(Trevor Jacob)

YouTuber Trevor Jacob has had his pilot's license revoked after the FAA ruled that he intentionally crashed a plane for YouTube clicks late last year.

In December 2021, Jacob uploaded a video in which he flies over Los Padres National Forest in California when his aircraft's engine suddenly stalls out. In an apparent panic, Jacob jumps out of the plane with a parachute. The plane crashes into the side of the mountain and Jacob spends the remainder of the video looking for a way out of the forest.

The video was immediately deemed suspect by other aviation YouTubers and experts. Many aspects of the video seemed to suggest that Jacob acted intentionally reckless and that the plane crash was premeditated and orchestrated. For example, aviation experts noted that if an incident like the one presented in Jacob's video had occurred, an experienced pilot could have glided the plane to safety.

The fact that Jacob's propeller stalls also seemed odd, as experts noted that would only happen if Jacob pulled back the control and slowed the aircraft to intentionally create a dramatic effect.

On April 11th, the FAA sent a letter, which was acquired by the New York Times, to Jacob ruling that he had indeed crashed his plane intentionally and that his pilot's license was revoked. In their ruling, they cited several other instances in the video which led them to conclude the crash was an orchestrated stunt.

"During this flight, you opened the left side pilot door before you claimed the engine had failed," they wrote. They also ruled Jacob "made no attempt to contact air traffic control on the emergency frequency, did not try to restart the engine by increasing airflow over the propeller and failed to look for a place to safely land, 'even though there were multiple areas within gliding range in which you could have made a safe landing.'"

"You demonstrated a lack of care, judgment and responsibility by choosing to jump out of an aircraft solely so you could record the footage of the crash," the letter continued. "Your egregious and intentional actions on these dates indicate that you presently lack the degree of care, judgment and responsibility required of a certificate holder."

Jacob faces upwards of a $1,600 daily fine for each day he does not turn in his pilot's license. Jacob has stated he cannot publicly comment on the ruling as per the advice of his attorney.

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Comments 12 total

Hyval the Emolga

And to think he tried to get parachutes to be required on every aircraft in his video.

Yeah, I'm not being told by legislators who have no idea how aircraft work to shove 4 parachutes in my already-tiny Robinson helicopter. He can soak his head :\



Dude risked his life, lost his aviation license, and flushed hundreds of thousands of dollars down the toilet for a handful of views on Youtube.

And the hell of it is:

A: Were it not for this article, I wouldn't have heard of this moron.
B: I didn't even watch the video all of the way through.

What an idiot.



Trying to save the actual plane down to a risky emergency landing would have been a cooler video anyway.



Joseph Joestar is a better pilot than you!


Moneypenny Coins

no fucking way

is there a pic of the crashed plane



"You can't prove that I crashed it intentionally!"

"Yes, but we can prove you did all this other stuff."

God, I hate rich idiots who think everyone is stupid.



*Criminals in general

Criminals do crime because they expect not to get caught. They usually think they are smarter than police.

(It's also why high punishment to "scare away" crime doesn't work since criminals expect never to get caught in the first place. The only thing that works is a conviction rate in the high 90%s since then they can't be THAT sure. Even a low punishment is effective at scaring away criminals if you have a near 100% conviction rate.)



> Even a low punishment is effective at scaring away criminals if you have a near 100% conviction rate.

Only if the low punishment still rate is worse than what you get by doing the crime.


Hyval the Emolga

The aviation community was well aware of his channel even before he pulled this crap. Heck, anybody that knows what to look for could tell how fake it was within a minute of his "engine failure".

I have to wonder how he ever got it in his mind that he could ever get away with this with how knowledgeable his audience was.



Good. Anyone that stupid has no business flying aircraft.
