Jake Paul riding a pink child's bicycle on the red carpet | Credit: Getty Images

There goes the neighborhood.

YouTube star Jake Paul has made a name for himself on Vine and YouTube by performing Jackass-style stunts and pranks with abandon, garnering more than 8.6 million subscribers in the process. However, when he brings his work home with him, filming videos in his quiet Los Angeles neighborhood, his neighbors are less than impressed.

KTLA 5 news reports that Paul's neighbors have had enough of his antics, which include filling his empty pool with furniture and setting it ablaze. Apparently, they are tired of sounding off in the comments below and are considering a class-action lawsuit against Paul for turning their neighborhood into a "war zone."

Since moving onto the street, Paul has begun filming his videos in his house, destroying property and attracting large crowds. People (mostly young girls and their parents, according to the report) have poured in to see Paul, who has not been very discreet with the address, in action.

“We used to be a nice, quiet street, and now we’re just this war zone,” said Paul's neighbor Maytal Dahan. “We’re families here and we’re more than happy to have them live here if they’re respectful of their neighbors, but they’re not.”

Paul, as expected, thinks it's pretty cool that everyone's paying him so much attention. While he says he feels bad for his neighbors, he took to Twitter to proudly post a portion of his interview with KTLA, which ended with a quick dab before asking of the eternal question, "What are those?"

What are those, indeed.

The neighbors have scheduled a meeting with city leaders to discuss Paul's behavior. This may lead to a class-action public nuisance lawsuit against Paul and the owner of his property.

Time will tell if they'll rate and review Paul in court. In the meantime, the controversy has boosted the star's profile even higher, even though he thinks everyone should move on already. In fact, he thinks that people shouldn't even be concerning himself with his stunts when "innocent ppl r getting shot everyday."

His fans, however, seem to love it.

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Comments 34 total


What exactly are these fanbases made of? I just can't really imagine anyone over the age of 17 being into this douchepickle. The one thing that brings me comfort is that as his popularity grows, so will his ego and so will his belief that he can do anything he wants. This will inevitably lead to him doing something extremely dangerous, illegal, or insensitive and then he'll get his.

And if, by some strange circumstance, he does manage to go through his career without a major scandal, he still will not be able to escape the icy fingers of time. I'd love to see this guy at age 55 with people commenting "who is this sad old man acting like a teenage douche?"



An example of the top would be Justin Bieber.


Cellular Lukeleus

"bigger fish 2 fry…

innocent ppl r getting shot everyday

U shld worry about tht"

I know it's just a tweet, but anyone who seriously talks like this needs to be put down


PYRO Beatrice

This guy is such a goddamn prick that even his own's brother's fanbase hates him. Seriously, this manchild need a reality check as soon as possible, because he clearly thinks the world should revolve around him. He doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself, and he's a selfish little brat who needs to be taught a lesson.

Fuckin hell, why do people like this jackass get famous. YouTube sucks ass



Can we just….get rid of this guy? I mean he's so worthless his fanbase can't even come up with a name for their fanbase. Like for instance, what do Benedict Cumberbatch fans call themselves? Well they call themselves Cumberbitches! Kinda clever right? Well what kind of great creative name wi-They call themselves 'Jake Paulers'. And I like his deflection of "Why do people hate me when innocent people are getting shot?" Ugh, just get rid of him Internet, please.



If his fans had a single iota of anything resembling a brain they'd call themselves the 'Paulbearers'. It's not great, but it's at least an attempt at something.


Mr. Duwang

I've never heard of this guy, but he seems like a pretty big jerkass.



Man am I glad to live in the middle of nowhere.



At this rate, i honestly wouldn't be surprised if one (or more) of the neighbors just snapped and shoots the guy.



They live in an upper class neighborhood in Southern California, the only guns in a 5 mile radius are on the cops and the burglars.


Derptastic Derp Man

Theres levels of douchebaggary and he has surpassed the threshold of it. Just hope that he gets a reality check in court when he acts like a fool then and there.



I hope he doesn't. I hope his reality check comes when he tries to "prank" the wrong people and they decide to re-arrange his skeletal structure.


King soundwave

I never knew somebody could be this big of a douchebag


Can of Beans

>giving your home address out when you are a celebrity but have no security
This dumbass is gonna get John Lennon'd. Or possibly just burgled.
