In recent days, news surrounding the deletion of certain comments critical of China’s Communist Party (CCP) on YouTube has been the source of online discussion and conspiracies after users discovered such comments were being automatically deleted on the video hosting platform.

On Tuesday morning, The Verge, The Hill and several other news outlets published articles discussing the issue, which ignited speculation as to why the Google website appears to be systematically policing two key phrases that are considered insults to the CCP.

When posted in the comment section of videos, the Chinese phrases “共匪” and “五毛” are automatically removed from YouTube within roughly 15 seconds. The latter phrase, also known as “wu mao” or the “50-cents army,” is a form of derogatory slang that refers to certain internet users who are paid by the CCP to shift online conversations away from anything considered critical of the government and to downvote or attempt to bury such criticisms. The first term, which means “communist bandit,” originated from the Nationalist Government in 1927 and acts as a form of insult directed at the CCP. The English translations of these terms are left untouched.

According to a YouTube spokesperson who addressed the issue in The Verge’s article, the removal of these comments “… appears to be an error in our enforcement systems and we are investigating.”

Although recently in the media, YouTube users discovered the comment moderation as early as October 2019, which can be seen in a YouTube Help thread from user Scott Clary. In their post, Clary asked, “Is youtube censoring comments that include "五毛"? while adding that such comments appear to “magically disappear.” In the thread below, several others confirmed his statements, noting their comments were also removed. Two additional threads from November 10th and 19th posed similar questions on these support pages, and all three have since been locked.

On May 13th, weeks ahead of the recent coverage, Twitter user jenniferatntd uploaded a video showcasing the removal of these comments on YouTube, which was later shared to Reddit’s world politics subreddit on May 15th, further driving discussion about the deletion. Users in this Reddit post then also confirmed such comments were removed, while some speculated that the platform was policing these comments in order to appease China’s government (though YouTube remains banned in the country).

Lachlan Markay, a reporter at The Daily Beast, speculated on Twitter that “… the most plausible explanation is that Chinese operatives worked furiously to mass-report these terms and hence get them automatically flagged by content filters.”

No official cause for these deletions has been publicly announced by YouTube, but some speculate that they’re being deleted merely as a result of being added to the platform’s comment filters that remove spam and offensive content without human oversight. During the current coronavirus pandemic, YouTube also stated in March that they were relying on these automated filters more heavily due to changes attempting to protect its workforce.

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It was totes just an accident guys! Yeah right.

Most likely scenario IMO is some rogue employees moonlighting for the 五毛 50 Cent Army added the phrases to the filter, and the higher ups just didn't care until it got caught (and still don't.) While Google has been known to cooperate with the 中共 communist bandits, knowing both Google and China, it'd be something far more egregious than blocking a couple Chinese-language phrases if it was actually part of something top-down. We also know that Google has a rogue employee problem as evidenced by the ex-Buzzfeed turned Financial Times urinalist that got Dankula and a few others channels blacklisted from monetization via an in at YouTube.



What a shock.
The company that has been desperately trying to have Chinese market share,
the company that developed a censored search engine to gain the approval of the CCP,
the company that decided to remove "don't be evil" as it's motto,

Google, is censoring things critical of the CCP.

Trust busting becomes more necessary every year.



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