'Yours Faithfully, Average Person:' GigaChad Finally Opens Up On The Memes


Published April 26, 2021

Russian bodybuilder and menswear model Ernest Khalimov, better known as GigaChad and the Average Enjoyer, has finally shared his opinion on the thousands upon thousands of memes that use his likeness, and he couldn't be more humble.

Ever since GigaChad memes gained massive popularity online, first on bodybuilding forums and 4chan, and then everywhere else on the internet, the person in these memes, Russian model Ernest Khalimov, has remained silent on the defining role that he has been unwittingly playing in shaping up the meme culture as of late. Moreover, Khalimov has been deliberately distancing away from the role that he never planned for himself, refusing interview offers and not providing any comments, which many thought was very fitting for the person that the internet chose to proclaim the "Chad of all Chads."

But about two weeks about, Khalimov decided that the time has finally come to acknowledge the memes, opening comments on his Instagram account berlin.1969. On Friday, Khalimov finally spoke about GigaChad and Average Enjoyer memes in a humble post, writing that the comments were making him much more interesting than he is in real life, "overshadowing his commonness."

I have read all the comments and messages. Think so. Must admit I’m shocked that there are so many of you and that you are not negative. Sorry for not answering. I’m not very sociable (T.rex), but it was pleased to read. In any case I have nothing to say to you, probably because I look much more interesting from your words. It’s very flattering and overshadows my commonness. Thanks for your kind words. Thank you for the positive energy, don’t doubt guys I mentally return it to you. Take your time and keep calm. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Whether the Average Enjoyer will continue to interact with his average fans in the future or resume the radio silence, Khalimov did not say, but he did make one final nod to the meme by signing off, "Yours faithfully, Average person."
