WookieePedia Updates To Reflect A Change 'The Acolyte' Made To 'Star Wars' Canon, Pandemonium Breaks Loose


Published June 20, 2024

Another episode of The Acolyte, another controversy.

After episode three of Disney's prequel Star Wars series drew the ire of some fans for introducing so-called "Force Babies," episode four has purportedly led to the sending of death threats to editors of WookieePedia after they updated the fan-run Star Wars wiki to reflect a change The Acolyte made to the canon.

The controversy surrounds a Jedi named Ki-Adi-Mundi, a phallic-headed fellow perhaps best known for saying "What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?" in Star Wars: Episode III and pointing out the Sith had been extinct for a millennium right as the Sith were coming back. He appears in episode four during a brief interrogation scene.

Canonically, Ki-Adi-Mundi was born in 93 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), while The Acolyte takes place in 132 BBY. Mundi appearing in The Acolyte should be impossible, but the show appears to have fudged the canon a bit to have Star Wars' famous fuddy-duddy once again be the bureaucratic voice casting doubt on the events taking place in the show.

Some Star Wars fans have not taken kindly to Disney once again taking a liberty with the canon.

They were even less kind with Wookieepedia altering their information to reflect the new canon for Ki-Adi-Mundi.

According to some WookieePedia editors, they have received death threats for altering the site to reflect the canon presented by The Acolyte.

This has in turn led "#WeStandWithWookieePedia" to emerge as a hashtag to show support for the editors, while others are dunking on Star Wars fans making a mountain out of a background character's birthday.
