He's been gracious enough to share his iconic blink with the world, but now Drew Scanlon of White Guy Blinking fame needs our help.

Last week, Scanlon participated in Bike MS, a fundraiser for the National MS Society, a non-profit organization for multiple scoliosis research and advocacy for those living with MS, asking for donations on Twitter from anyone that's used or enjoyed his famous blink.

Making good on his part of the fundraiser, Scanlon biked more than 120 miles, from San Francisco to North California's Wine Country, breaking his original $10,000 goal by raising more than $24,000 in just four days.

"I’m not usually one to toot my own meme horn but in this case I’ll make an exception," Scanlon writes on his fundraising page. "You see, two close friends of mine and members of their families suffer from MS, a debilitating disease of the central nervous system that interrupts communication between the brain and the body."

"Millions of people suffer from MS and there is no known cure. This is where you come in."

While the ride has ended, the fight for a cure goes on. Scanlon is still collecting donations for the MS Society at www.blinkingwhiteguy.com.

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