(Twitter / @WolfeyGlick)

Pokémon fans are well-known to disagree on basically everything, so when competitive Pokémon player Wolfe Glick asserted Tuesday that "we can all agree that Generation 7 is the worst of all the gens," he likely knew the firestorm he would cause among the fandom on Twitter.

The seventh generation of Pokémon games were Pokémon Sun and Moon and their quasi-deluxe editions, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon. They took place in the Alola region (loosely based off Hawaii) and shook up the series' established formula by offering a more story-driven campaign that did away with the traditional Gym progression route that had been a staple of the series up to that point. According to Glick, Ultra Sun and Moon were the worst games ever, cementing Gen 7 as the worst in franchise history.

While Gen 7 certainly wasn't without its flaws, calling Gen 7 the worst of the 8 is certainly a hot take, and the Pokémon fandom on Twitter got to work trying to set the record straight.

It's par for the course for Pokémon fans to debate the merits of each generation in the series, but they could ease their suffering by opening their hearts and accepting the objectively correct ranking: 4, 5, 7, 3, 1, 6, 2, 8.

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Comments 17 total

Excitebot theLEGO

Genwunner bias aside, I think it's safe to say gen 6 is up there. Gen 5 and 7 laugh its pathetic plot, it had the lowest amount of new pokemon, the post-game was pretty lacking compared to earlier gens, and it basically started the trend of gimmicky playstyles and super easy difficulty level.

I love gen 1, and I know it's a massively flawed game. but I dunno, something about gen 6 made me straight up sell the game after beating it. Maybe I was bored. Maybe the format was getting too old. Maybe I was getting too old for pokemon.

Whatever the case, Pokemon Go is the last remaining thread keeping me attached to the series.



As much as I respect Wolfey, I must say that some of his opinions aren't that great.



Uh no Gen 1’s the worst



At the time, I thought so too. But VIII has taken that title triumphantly.



I know this is going to sound absolutely jaded and quite rude of me to say, but most pokémon games are very bad in their own unique way. Not that they're awful games (except gen 8 imo), but they tend to miss the mark in one way or another, somehow both improving on things and making other things worse at the same time. Sometimes it feels like the games aren't even made by the same company.



I feel like I'm the only person who actually likes Z-moves more than megas/dynamax.



I'm not sure who is crazier, Wolfey by thinking people hate one of the most prized gens, the people who like DPP or the people who don't like Gen 5.



Platinum/HGSS is the Pokemon sweet spot of challenging with great worlds to explore.



HGSS is my favorite games of the franchise and HG was the game that I spent the most time playing, competitively and as a breeder. I still don't like DPP though, I hated how slow it felt, the music was unmemorable, and for me the games had no charisma. Gen 5 is my favorite, but I haven't played anything after it besides some time on Showdown to say how good or bad the games were, I did like their respective mechanics though.


A Concerned Rifleman

Honestly for me it was 6. The game had TONS of characters and was so bland I couldn't remember ANY of them.



Objectively speaking Gen 1 is the worst. Not because it's old, but because the game is BROKEN AS FUCK,

It being a revolutionary new type of RPG saved it. But the state it released in would normally be unacceptable.



Even judging it as a product of it's time… How the fuck did half of this shit slip through?



A mix of incompetence and a rushed job, combined with some level of inexperience. Pokémon survived off of charm alone.



For me, the absolute worst of that gen if the bag and pc. IT’S SUCH A FUCKING PAIN MANAGING THEM!!!!


Jon the Wizard

I honestly can't decide which generation of Pokemon games are the worst. I keep going back between Gen 4, 7 and 8 as my least favorites.
