A tweet claiming that Elon Musk is launching a satellite that will display ads in space went viral last night as users, many assuming that a patch of the night sky is getting permanently turned into a giant ad, screamed in horror at the idea.

The news, originally reported by Business Insider, is not as dramatic as the tweet might make you think: Canadian startup Geometric Energy Corporation is building a satellite with a pixelated display screen that will be displaying various images. Pixels can be rented with Dogecoin to display certain colors for a period of time. Rent a lot of pixels, and you can advertise or show whatever you like.

Neither the screen nor the satellite, named CubeSat, will be visible from Earth. Instead, the satellite will be equipped with a selfie stick fixed at the screen, with the footage livestreamed to a platform like YouTube or Twitch. A Falcon 9 rocket, built by Elon Musk's company SpaceX, will be bringing the satellite to orbit after its construction finishes in 2022.

The tweet that went viral last night does not really go into detail on all that, and it's clear why many people got angry at the idea of "space ads."

The post accumulated over 13,600 quote tweets in one day, and most of those were promises of going full sicko mode should the space ads thing happen.

There has also been a fair share of jokes and memes in the mix.

Samuel Reid, CEO and co-founder of Geometric Energy Corporation, hopes that the satellite will help "democratize access to space and allow for decentralized participation." He also hopes people don't waste money on something inappropriate, insulting or offensive. We, however, certainly wouldn't mind Broly Culo mooning everyone from the infinity of space.

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As ridiculous as this seems, the moment it happens, I want every space rocket hobbist on the planet to join forces to make a rocket SPECIFICALLY to target those satellites and "poke" them so they shift orbits and fall back down to earth, glowing up in flames as they do.



Those who have real life time machines seem pretty confident that there are no such things as "space aliens". Only "illegal aliens". 🤣

I have been sinking that there are two possibilities because of which they are so confident.

1. There is not going to be any "alien contact" even in the future. They have time machines, 'member? 🤣🤷‍♂️

2. Space is not even real. Just like those "flat earth" posts on the internets claim. They have actually been making said posts themselves (the ones who have time machines). So that anyone who makes a cereal claim that space is not real can simply be called a "flat earther". 🤣 This is the better theory in my opinion, because of the "colossal cavern" in "Journey to the Center of the Earth". And uh, also because Israel's missile defense system is called "iron dome". 🤣

It doesn't really matter to me whether I am living in a round planet or a "colossal cavern", because I usually tend to "stay home; stay safe". 🤣 But if you are interested, maybe you can ask Elon. Something like, "Hey Elon, is space even real? Some random street shitter is claiming that you people have real life time machines but space on the other hand may not be real…". 🤣



I don't normally poke into someone's activity history because what they've said before usually isn't that relevant to what they're saying now, but there is a lot of activity on there, and the wide consensus seems to be people not remotely understanding what you're saying. We've all been misunderstood on the internet from time to time, either because we've accidentally been unclear or because we're talking to someone who might not be that bright, but it seems like you're trying to talk to quite a lot of people but not managing to actually communicate with ANY of them. Is English your primary language? I hope you'll forgive my prying but I'm actually kind of concerned for your sake. If you've just been hitting the bottle or the reefer or something then no need to sweat it as that tends to wreck one's ability to communicate but having this much difficulty communicating has some worrying implications if it's not for reasons like those.



"…and the wide consensus seems to be people not remotely understanding what you're saying…"

Kinda like the Titans have no idea what Robin is trying to say in this video. 🤣



Scratch that and disregard my reply. Somehow I noticed the activity history but not the location. I was worried this was maybe a case of something more serious than a language and/or culture barrier. Never mind!
