Funny Brazilian statue of Michael Jackson.

A bronze statue put up in Brazil at the site of one of Michael Jackson's most well-known music videos is now the target of online ridicule once again.

The statue, which is of MJ doing his "Smooth Criminal" arms outstretched pose, was rediscovered after a Jackson fan account tweeted a picture of the statue yesterday, prompting another person to claim the statue was actually of the famous actress Sandra Bullock, initiating a classic Twitter dogpile.

The statue, however, is actually from 2010 and was erected one year after the king of pop's death, being placed at the site of his influential music video for the song "They Don't Care About Us," which was an important cultural moment for the favelas that the statue and music video took place at, helping the area become somewhat of a future tourist destination.

However, this is far from the first time that the statue has gotten the attention of social media, as it previously has had large crowds gather around it, had its sunglasses stolen and even been armed by an anonymous member of the community, with these events dating back to 2014 and earlier.

This also brought up a comparison between the Brazilian statue and other statues of Michael Jackson that can be found all over the world, with the one outside Fulham being a clear runner-up in terms of bad-looking statues according to some.

How long will it be until Cristiano Ronaldo's classic bust is rediscovered and memed? Only time will tell.

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