Twitter Mostly Buys Hoax That Quibi Had A Jack Sparrow Impersonation Competition Show


Published 4 years ago

The late wonder that was Quibi truly exemplified the challenge of Poe's Law. The short-form, mobile television network experiment, which officially went out of business recently, made ten-minute television shows that were nearly impossible to parody because they were already extraordinarily bizarre. Here's a test: Which was the real Quibi show? A drama where a woman was obsessed with her literal golden arm even though it was killing her? Or a reality competition series where the contestants were all Jack Sparrow impersonators?

If you guessed the former, you'd be right, but that didn't stop Twitter users from buying a hoax that there was a Quibi show called Jack Sparrow House wherein contestants had to remain in character as Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and were kicked out if they ever stopped.

Jack Sparrow House appears to be the brainchild of Twitter comedian Rory Strahan-Mark, who whipped up a very convincing Wikipedia page for the show complete with a picture of Jack Sparrow cosplayers at the Tokyo premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales in 2017 to look like the "cast." While the description of the series is outrageous, including a bit about how one cast member had to stop filming due to his history as a sex offender, it nevertheless made Twitter users check and make sure it didn't exist.

Snopes had to step in to confirm that no, Jack Sparrow House was never a real show.

Thus ends the story of Jack Sparrow House: Dead Networks Tell No Tales, a show too good to exist in this world. But who knows? The genuinely enthusiastic reception to Strahan-Mark's prank might just get the show greenlit in the future. Stranger things have happened in 2020, but unfortunately for Jack Sparrow House enthusiasts, they usually happened on Quibi.
