(Al Jazeera / @PaulKrugman)

In early 2019, @maplecocaine tweeted, "Each day on Twitter there is one main character. The goal is to never be it." Today, Twitter's main character was New York Times opinion columnist Paul Krugman, who felt it was time to reflect on just how famously chill and calm America was post-9/11.


"Overall, Americans took 9/11 pretty calmly," Kruman tweeted, starting a roll of simply jaw-droppingly out-of-touch claims. "Notably, there wasn't a mass outbreak of anti-Muslim sentiment and violence, which could all too easily have happened. And while GW Bush was a terrible president, to his credit he tried to calm prejudice, not feed it."

For those who were old enough to remember America post-9/11, this was an astonishingly bad tweet. America famously did not take 9/11 "pretty calmly," and there was in fact a mass outbreak of anti-Muslim sentiment and violence. Twitter posted an Events page compiling Twitter users who responded to Krugman with FBI data contradicting his claim.

Others pointed out the Bush administration's strong and arguably overzealous response to the attacks, including the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, the eventual war in Iraq, etc.

Others were simply agog at Krugman's gumption.

The words "Krugman" and "Islamaphobia" trended on Twitter throughout the day, as people continually found various angles with which to express disgust at Krugman's bizarre recollection of America post-9/11. Despite the mass of criticism, Krugman has yet to respond and as of now his tweets are still up. And so, to put it in @Leyawn's words:

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Comments 12 total


Remember how the Iron Sheikh was bullied out of Wrestling?



Is it a stupid take? Yes.

But compared to the current state of the US' turbo-autism when it comes to just wearing a fucking mask…

Well, almost anything can feel less pronounced with both a decade behind them, and a decade's worth of disasters in under a year on the forefront of one's mind.






As somebody who studies war and conflicts for a living, this is an astonishingly smoothbrained take. One of the worst I've ever seen.

I wish we would have been calmer after 9/11 and didn't sink $7+ trillion into destroying Afghanistan and Iraq for literally no reason or benefit.



i mean i can pin 90% of the reasons why my mental health is total dogshit on what happened post-911 and how bush decided to wage war on a broken country for oil



I'm curious as to what you mean? Former US soldier or Iraqi/Afghan or just something else?


BulletproofBrony, Not Dead Melia

Paul Krugman is the Poochyena of the New York Times.


winton overwat

Krugman proves that any idiot with 2 functioning neurons can get a Nobel Prize in Economics



Ah yes, Paul "the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine" Krugman.
