TikTok User Catches Amazon Worker Apparently Taking Picture To Prove Package Was Delivered Then Walking Away With It


Published 3 years ago

A TikTok user is threatening legal action after he filmed an apparent Amazon worker delivering his new MacBook, taking a picture to send to his email to confirm its delivery, then walking away with the package.

The footage, caught on a security camera and posted by TikTok user @talktomeinstead, has divided commenters. Some have called for the worker to be fired and arrested, while others have called for sympathy. Others have wondered if there may be an alternate reason why the driver moved the package; perhaps the door wasn't answered and the driver felt it was not safe to leave the package outside the house. Others have called into question if the video is even original to @talktomeinstead.

Speaking to the Daily Dot, Amazon said it was looking into the incident. When asked if he got his package back, @talktomeinstead said in the comments that he was "going to court in April."
