There's Now A Dating App For 'Bored Ape' NFT Owners Called 'Lonely Ape Dating Club,' Resulting In Confused Reactions Online

It's hard out there for an ape, but luckily, someone's set out to change that. Year 4000, better known as the NFT collective Y4K, recently created the Lonely Ape Dating Club, an online dating app for owners of Bored Apes, the contentious collection of NFT collectibles that have grown synonymous with the crypto art space.
Y4K rolled out a press release announcing the dating app in February that was covered by smaller publications before yesterday's widespread acknowledgment of Lonely Ape Dating Club. The press release explained how the app would work, and to those outside of the crypto-ecosystem, it very much treads the line of Poe's Law.
Apparently, members of the Lonely Ape app don't enter personal information or photographs of themselves like one would on a more typical dating app. Instead, they link their cryptocurrency wallet to access the app. Once inside, users can set their preferences to filter potential romantic partners by cryptocurrency value and net worth.
However, if you're crypto-poor but want to find the crypto-billionaire of your dreams, you can use the app's "Coin Digger" feature, which will allow non-BAYC users to connect with those who have more value than them for mutual benefit. You can also try to entice richer apes by tossing them tips in crypto and showing off metrics like how long you "diamond-handed" your NFTs.
The app remained relatively obscure for several weeks until it was caught by Twitter account @CoinersTakingLs yesterday, exposing Twitter to a baffling take on modern romance.
Many forecasted a major problem for the Lonely Ape Dating App: by most peoples' impressions, the community of Bored Ape owners is overwhelmingly male, in essence making the app useless unless its clientele is primarily homosexual or bisexual male crypto enthusiasts.
The app isn't out yet, but hodlers looking for love can sign up for a waitlist to get in when it does go live. If you do get in and you're reading this, we'd love to hear more about your experience in the Lonely Ape Dating Club.