(Tucker Carlson / Fox News)

It's rare to see left-leaning circles of Twitter retweeting stills of Fox News demagogue Tucker Carlson, but the site's been flooded with a still from Carlson's recent segment on the M&Ms modern makeover thanks in large part to its genius chyron: "Miserable, non-binary candy is all we deserve."

The segment itself was generally viewed as deeply weird, as Carlson bemoaned how Mars candy company was on a mission to make the orbital candy mascots "less sexy" and "deeply unappealing."

"You wouldn’t want to have a drink with any one of them," Carlson sighed while looking at fictional, personified candy morsels.

While the segment itself provided fodder for late-night talk shows and political commentary YouTube channels, it was the chyron that stuck with Twitter users, particularly among left-leaning users who were generally as unenthused about the new candy personalities as their right-leaning counterparts, albeit for different reasons. Many joked that they saw themselves described in the chyron, as who among us has not felt like a miserable, non-binary candy from time to time?

Overall, the grand M&Ms redesign is still not being well-received by most online, as many tend to view it as pointless and overzealously pandering. One wonders if Mars will pull a Sonic the Hedgehog movie backtrack and announce that the backlash has convinced them to make the Green M&M sexy again.

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I agree with the underlying argument but i find it hard to agree with how it was proposed, especially given how contradictory it is: We're supposed to care that the candy people were turned into "miserable non-binary candy" because…that means they're not attractive anymore? Does that mean they were attractive before? Not to mention how he applies it to "cartoon characters" in general when you just know they would also be attacking the "nerds" that dare find cartoon character sexy in the first place.


A Concerned Rifleman

A friendly reminder that they're doing this to take the heat off their child slavery lawsuit, don't let them



Ah man, is the candy even worth eating anymore if it doesn't give me a boner ?



I wonder who greenlit "I'm not sexually aroused by candy anymore" as a topic.



Joke's on you Tuck, I'm into that shit


Everything is Terrible

Tucker Carlson seems like the guy who got shoved into lockers during high school and never got over it.



He's using that pain to make money. Unhealthy, but genius.
