A Ukrainian fighter pilot who many are now calling the "Ghost of Kyiv" has purportedly taken out six Russian fighter jets during the first stages of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. After President Vladimir Putin ordered his troops to invade Ukraine yesterday, this early hero is inspiring memes across Twitter and other platforms.

The footage of the pilot, flying a MiG-29 aircraft overhead Kyiv, was recorded and posted to Twitter yesterday morning. Soon after, a nickname was born, championed by native Ukrainians. If the rumors are true, six planes were taken down by them, making them a "Flying Ace," according to users like Occupy Democrats.

In subsequent fashion, the imagery of the fighter jet became an exploitable, used in memes that praised the Ghost's efforts. Additionally, the name "Ghost of Kyiv" was "too cool" for meme creators to ignore. Within the hour, many had likened them to anime heroes or other characters of alpha status, using Chads as a reference to the rumored pilot.

However, the claims have not been confirmed regarding the pilot's precise kill list or if they truly exist, but many online don't seem to care. As the crisis in Ukraine continues to ensue, it appears that many around the world are using the legend as an inspiration for something positive to post memes about.

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I thought the Ukrainians weren't even flying anything since they're so outgunned in air and anti-air. I guess the theory is just to throw someone up there anyway.
