(Zero Punctuation Logo / YouTube)

Legacy gaming website The Escapist has purportedly lost its entire video team, as well as key talent well-known to the brand for many years, after firing its editor-in-chief and various other employees. Notable among the resignees is the creator of Zero Punctuation a hit YouTube series created by Yahtzee Croshaw, arguably one of The Escapist's leading IPs.

The news broke yesterday afternoon with Editor-In-Chief Nick Calandra making a post on X / Twitter saying, "I was fired from The Escapist today. I have declined my severance pay and will not be signing an NDA."

He continues the thread by saying that he was "let go for "not achieving goals" that were "never properly set out," adding that he and his team have plans to continue working independently.

Other employees who were fired or resigned include contributors KC Nwosu, Will Cruz, Jesse Galena, Darren Mooney, Amy Campbell and Sebastian Ruiz, editors Parkes Harman and Jesse Schwab, and designer JM8.

Well-known creator Benjamin "Yahtzee" Croshaw announced his resignation from The Escapist last night as well, saying that he will no longer be making "Zero Punctuation" videos given that he doesn't own the rights to the show.

Nevertheless, Yahtzee assured his fans that he plans to continue working independently as well.

Zero Punctuation was The Escapist's most popular show, with many replies to Yahtzee's post jokingly asking, "Wait, The Escapist had other stuff?"

Nick Calandra issued a message on the Discord channel shared by Yahtzee, called "Escaped The Escapist," updating fans about the team's future plans following the mass exodus from the website.

Calandra states that Yahtzee and the video team resigned in solidarity with those fired, and assures fans that they plan to continue their work independently.

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Comments 19 total


Even from a greedy business perspective, this seems like such a completely boneheaded move for the owners of the website. What does the Escapist even have now that all these people are gone? How is it ever going to be able to attract any kind of new talent to make stuff for them?


Cesar Acuña

Friendly reminder that you can scare Zoey Quim by showing her this image:



Never liked Zero Punctuation or Yahtzee, but nice to see someone stick up for their principles.


Moby The Duck

"In capitalism, infinite money is not enough, there must also be infinite growth."

So, these corpos, on a cocaine induced epiphany, decided that the best course of action was to fire the guy that nearly single-handedly made the group rise from the ashes and make it start growing followers and income because… it wasn't growing followers and income fast enough.

Now I understand why suddenly every video had ads and why they started to paywall swears.

I guess that they didn't expect that if they removed the main supporting pillar of the page, the entire building would come down with it.


A Concerned Rifleman

I always found that quote hilarious, not because it's true but because I'm imagining some suit strutting around thinking they're smarter than the laws of thermodynamics, in that things can grow infinitely all the time.



Fucking Gamurs man. I worked in the "games journalism" scene for a few years and that group is like a hideous parasite that takes over websites and then slowly strangles everything even halfway-decent out of them. I worked for two different websites they took over a few years back (Gamepur and Dotesports) and they slowly pushed mandates to homogenize the content until you basically can't tell the difference anymore.

All while using rates as essentially a carrot and a stick. They'd raise what they pay on stories and then if the site even had a slight dip in traffic or revenue they'd cut back the rates to the previous one (or EVEN LOWER) for months.


A Concerned Rifleman

To partially quote Yahtzee, he was brought onto the Escapist ship to patch some holes and make some improvements, over the years the ship rotted around everything he made and all that was left was a half-finished ship of Theseus.

It's funny, ZP was in fact, Yahtzee's show before the Escapist got on, but that's what happens when you sign up with corpos, it becomes "their" property.

I have 2 theories. From the sound of it, it sounds like they fell into the same trap that Yahtzee was winging about the AAA industry was in (as well as mist businesses these days in general). It doesn't matter if you're making money, what matters is the rate of growth. Suits somehow get it into their head that businesses can grow indefinitely and anything that's not consistently growing the rate of growth is considered dead weight no matter how profitable. Such is the trappings of shareholders and a culture of golden parachutes.

There's also the possibility there's office politics that absolutely detonated, not necessarily mass harassment (though knowing how "inclusive" Escapist claims it is I wouldn't doubt it), but an internal HR shift that the crew and such rebelled against and got canned, leading the others to see the writing on the wall and jumped ship.

I don't see The Escapist surviving into next month, let alone next quarter. You can't just not make content and expect to keep the lights on without the shareholders bailing out.



Not only are they not making content now, actual subscribers, patrons, etc. are leaving en-masse in response to all of this. And if there's one place corporate zombies can feel, it's their wallets.

I'm glad the group all left together (and I'm guessing Second Wind will leave no one behind), but I feel disappointed because it all could've been avoided so easily if not for the execs going tunnel-vision mode.



Having worked only with construction and renovation companies, I can tell you one thing; they want only what you mentioned as:
" It doesn't matter if you're making money, what matters is the rate of growth. Suits somehow get it into their head that businesses can grow indefinitely and anything that's not consistently growing the rate of growth is considered dead weight no matter how profitable. "

No construction company, no renovation company or a bigger player like Home Depot want more money -- they want more growth, at any cost.

Profit is not important, the only thing that matters is growth. Quarter over quarter growth is less? Unacceptable! [Despite making more profit]. YoY growth is less because expenses, despite more profit? Unacceptable.

I never understood what Corporations want, besides growth. If you're making more money and shareholders are happy, what more do u want? All I know from experience is unlimited growth



Man, all the new things they were doing (Cold Take, Design Delve, AiN, Stuff of Legends) seemed like the channel was going through a renaissance. All of this collapsing because Corpos gotta Corpo.
And before anyone else here links it, I might as well;



Man. This might mark the first notable disruption (excepting the occasional holiday or rare/busy week) in Zero Punctuation since it started. Crazy to think how tirelessly it had been tromping along from its inception until… basically now.


Glass Almanac

Yeah, it's a crying shame that the escapist owns the rights to ZP. Of course if they didn't Yahtzee probably would have left ages ago. I haven't gone to their website in over a decade but if you look at their YT page ZP has between ten to fifty of times more views than most of the other videos. Ben's a creative guy I bet he'll make something that'll carry on that same ZP spirit.


Geigh Science

Escapist has been lumbering along like a dinosaur well after the meteor for some time now. I'm just surprised it hasn't collapsed sooner.



It's a shame because a lot of their new talent and content was really stellar. The good news is that they've all banded together to launch their own independent company from what I'm hearing



Well the end of an era. I was watching Zero Punctuation very early into it back when it was still on YouTube and featured small bits of unlicensed music that was a pun on whatever he was reviewing.



Same. I remember I was in school at the time and my friends and I would all wait to see what game Yahtzee was going to trash that week. I remember it being a disappointment when he switched over to his own music instead of having some kind of pop/rock song for the intro/outro.
