(Twitter / @BradTroemel)

The Writer's Guild Strike of 2023 has been in effect for two days now, and already, the hot takes have been blistering.

While one Twitter user has opined that the strike will lead to the deaths of Americans deprived of fresh content, another user has seemingly bemoaned the effect it will have on the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), writing "greedy writers' profits aren't worth as much as the joy superheroes bring to people all over the world."

While these takes are maddening to those supporting workers, it's plausible to assume the latter example is satire.

Twitter / bradtroemel

In a series of tweets yesterday, Twitter user Brad Troemel posted several pictures of MCU superheroes looking very sad overlaid with the hashtag "#EndUnionGreed." One features Iron Man standing nobly in a sea of protestors holding signs that read "We want free stuff" and "Me first!" Another shows Black Panther behind bars captioned, "We Shall Overcome."

Considering the hyperbolic tenor of some fearing the effect a writer's strike will have on entertainment and Marvel fans' tendency to get a little cringey at times, many took Troemel's tweets at face value and blasted him for insensitivity.

Twitter / AlsoPhilMcDuff

Twitter / @TheGreeneBJ

While the thread infuriated many, others noted that it's highly probable the whole thing is an elaborate troll. That's because Brad Troemel is himself a documented internet troll.

Troemel is an artist who came to prominence in the mid-2010s for his Tumblr site The Jogging, which focused on post-internet art. He has long been posting art and memes that tread the line of Poe's Law, and once went viral for posting a satirical campaign ad for Joe Biden with the winning slogan, "His brain? No, his heart."

With this in mind, it's highly probable that the MCU posts are additions to Troemel's oeuvre of "weapons-grade liberal cringe," as he's called it in the past. In case you come across it in the wild over the next few days and feel the urge to grab a digital pitchfork, know that it's almost assuredly satire.

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Comments 9 total

Ass Railroad

The MCU has been pretty hit or miss lately, so to be honest; the thought of it stopping briefly due to a strike is not that bad sounding.



Does anyone know why the writers are on strike anyways?



TL;DR theyre getting paid like shit while studio execs make big bucks


Ass Railroad

One part of it is trying to negotiate payment systems with the rise of AI systems. Writers often get paid more if they write the first draft of a script, and are paid less working on later draft revisions. There is a fear that Hollywood will use ChatGPT to write a first draft, then hand it to a writer to edit into a workable script while also paying them less since the AI provided the lucrative "first draft" for free.



The only thing they'll succeed at is getting more foreign stuff on TV, cinema and streaming. Not that there's anything wrong since the quality of stuff has gone down the drain, but still.


Cesar Acuña

Don't give in, Keep the strike going!


Nox Lucis

I don't know what's going on over in screenwriter land, but I can see how Hollywood puts out ungodly volumes of mediocre, formulaic scripts at lightning speed as if made by assembly line, so I strongly doubt it's all sunshine and rainbows over there. I imagine it must be rather hellish, in fact.



There were more than a few hiccups from the last strike, though they weren't super obvious if you look at money.

The interesting and original ideas, though, will go away, and the formulaic products will be even more prevalent. Whether that makes people cancel their subscriptions or go to the movies less is probably something the public will never have access to, so public opinion is kind of moot.


Terry Jones

That "Kids Need Heroes" one….is that suppose to be Thanos?
