(Twitter / @SmashTogether)

"Smash Together," a supposed dating app for Super Smash Brothers players, has to be a gag — at least, that's what many in the game's community are telling themselves because the alternative reality where it's a real thing in development is too surreal to bear.

Late last night, an account for "Smash Together" appeared on Twitter / X and announced the development of the dating app, complete with a mockup profile, chat and bio.

Twitter / SmashTogether

To put it bluntly, the mock images of the hypothetical dating app are filled with cringe details for those familiar with the franchise's competitive scene. The profile it shows is of the hypothetical "PsiNessMaster," a Ness player who is supposedly #8 in the MD/VA power rankings (no one by that name has ever ranked in MD/VA's Smash power rankings).

The "chat" mockup features some truly dire Smash-related pickup lines, such as, "Are you a gyro? Because I'm trying to pick you up," and, "I'd rather play offline… Maybe with dinner?" The "love language" section of the profile reads "When my partner lets me take their stock in doubles."

The logical explanation is that the "dating app" announcement is simply a joke for the community. However, at the time of writing, no one has said it's a joke, leaving a small, terrifying possibility that it's a real thing someone is developing.

With that possibility in mind, many are clowning on the "app," as well as Smash players, who don't exactly have a reputation for being smooth in romance. There are also many age-related jokes about the hypothetical app, on account of previous troubles within the Smash community.

Twitter / RawrOfTheEmo

It's probably safe to assume "SmashTogether" is just a bit cooked up by a prankster in the Smash community. But if it's not, and it somehow turns out to be a real thing, we can look forward to the extremely good, cringe content it will produce.

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Comments 3 total

Rusty Ralston




in all honesty, there's like 99% of male players in the smash bros community, and the 1% left are some smashers girlfriends. so unless you're gay or bi, there's no point in such app, unless you're using it to find a player to play not too far from home.



Exactly. Although things seem to be changing (even if slowly), most geek spaces are still extremely masculinized, and the few women there are definitely not available.

I don't play Smash, but most Smash players I know meet each other in Discord groups organized around local events. Then, as they become better known in their local community, they get the chance to meet other players from farther away.
