One semi-positive side effect of the coronavirus pandemic is the surge in casts from beloved films reuniting to talk about the movie or recreate it from their homes. Josh Gad has kept busy during quarantine with his Reunited Apart series that has seen casts of films like The Goonies and Lord of the Rings series, and recently the Scott Pilgrim cast got together to do a table read of the film. While these are nice treats for fans stuck at home, they're hardly ever news or meme-worthy--that is, until Shia LaBeouf got blazed out of his skull.

Last weekend, a host of celebrities got together to do a reading of 1982's Fast Times at Ridgemont High for COVID-19 relief funds. The all-star cast included LaBeouf, Morgan Freeman, Dane Cook, Julia Roberts, Jimmy Kimmel, John Legend, Ray Liotta, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Sean Penn, who was the only actor who was actually in the original film.

Pitt and Aniston, infamously divorced, grabbed headlines thanks to their acting of a racy scene from the film, but memers' attention went to Shia, who took the opportunity to play Penn's original character, the perpetually stoned surfer dude Jeff Spicoli, by getting insanely stoned.

LaBeouf's co-stars got a huge kick out of his dedication to the role, but memers saw an opportunity; soon after the read, memes of smoking Shia began circulating Twitter.

With a tremendous dearth of new movies hitting theaters in 2020, it's perfectly reasonable that this performance earn LaBeouf a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nom.

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