bored ape symbiogenesis nft meme
(Square Enix / Symbiogenesis)

If there's one thing you can say about Square Enix's 2022, it's that it seems dead set on disappointing many fans with its steadfast commitment to NFTs.

The gaming company's latest form of letdown via non-fungible token comes in the form of Symbiogenesis, a project that can best be described as … something involving NFTs.

Here's the teaser the company posted to Twitter earlier today.

While the teaser offers essentially nothing in terms of information, Square Enix also released a statement attempting to further explain what Symbiogenesis actually is.

Symbiogenesis is brand-new entertainment content set in a self-contained world where a wide cast of characters symbiosis, all of which can be collected as digital art; an interactive story and a dedicated community. The art can be used for social media profile pictures (PFP) and as a character in a story that takes place in an alternate world where the player can ’untangle’ a mystery by completing missions that revolve around questions of the monopolization and distribution of resources. With each strategic move players make, more of the story unfolds.

Well, that clears that up, then.

The announcement landed like a lead balloon to many Square Enix fans who were eagerly anticipating that the "Symbiogenesis," discovered to be trademarked by Square Enix last week, could portend a remake of 1998's Parasite Eve.

Some pointed out that the literal definition of "symbiogenesis" is "the merging of two separate organisms to form a single new organism" — one of the central points in Parasite Eve. Instead, those fans appeared to be sorely disappointed to discover Square Enix was planning an NFT-related thing, which to this point has almost always been received poorly in the video game space.

The world will have to wait until spring 2023 to find out what Symbiogenesis actually is, though judging from current trends, it is difficult to imagine anyone but the most diehard of cryptocurrency fans will be excited by then.

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Comments 5 total

Steven The Pirate

As usual Square entering a market far too late.



Disgusting. Corpo scum at it again.



When a company pulls the NFT idea out of the bag of stupid ideas…
