SportsCenter's Tom Brady Facemorph Tribute Creeps Out Twitter


Published February 02, 2022

Legendary quarterback Tom Brady retired on Tuesday after 22 seasons and seven Super Bowl rings, but while he may be gone from the NFL, that doesn't mean he can't still haunt the nightmares of football fans everywhere.

As a way to commemorate Brady's lengthy NFL career, SportsCenter tweeted a facemorph video showing Brady in every year of his playing career. The results are very "uncanny valley."

It's quite an experience to watch Brady go from a chubby-faced rookie to a veteran whose face appears chiseled from marble (or at least molded by plastic surgeons, allegedly). Many fans found the hypnotic video slightly disturbing and got in their yuks at Brady's "evolving" looks.

Many fans may spend their lives remembering some of Brady's classic moments on the field, but for now, many fans will be forced to remember Brady's face, morphing slowly, forever into the ocean of time.
