The massive multimedia company Sony has entered into an agreement to buy the Halo and Destiny creator Bungie, with the bill coming up to $3.6 billion. This move comes just two weeks after Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard, and signals a ramping up of game developers being snatched up by larger companies.

Though this acquisition doesn't seem to be solely motivated by gaming, as Sony does involve itself in movies and TV shows, which is what Bungie has been trying to crack for over a decade.

The immediate concern among gamers was the potential for Bungie games, current and future ones, to become PlayStation exclusive, which was quickly struck down by insiders with knowledge of the deal. This also put a lot of other game companies on alert, for some might be looking for potential buyouts themselves.

The way the Bungie deal is structured can be seen as a pull for other game studios, as they are reported to remain independent within the Sony umbrella, something that is not often said when a developer is taken over by a larger studio. What possibly makes this acquisition the most interesting is that Bungie themselves used to be part of both Microsoft and Activision, but managed to get themselves separated from each, leading to some interesting speculation online.

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Comments 3 total


If I had a nickel for everytime Bungie got bought by a major game company, I’d have 3 nickels, which isn’t alot but it’s weird that it happened 3 TIMES!!


Nox Lucis

Just to clear up potential confusion resulting from that frontpage, Halo is currently developed by 343, not Bungie. Microsoft still owns Halo.



Oh boy! Further consolidation of a scummy industry into even larger and more concentrated monopolies! My faaaaaaaaavorite! /s
