As we approach Pride Month, companies are rolling out their usual LGBTQ-focused advertising, but in light of the Bud Light Dylan Mulvaney controversy, it seems brands are facing increased scrutiny from some consumers who are on high alert for any sign of wokeness — which, in certain corners of the internet, appears to mean any perceived show of support for marginalized groups or liberal causes.

The latest company to be accused of going "woke" is Ford, best known for its trucks and often aggressively masculine advertising, which recently released an ad showing a truck with a rainbow symbolizing the LGBTQ+ flag on it.

In the ad, two very dirty trucks are racing in a desert-like environment, but when they run through some water, the dirt is washed away. One is revealed to be a regular, red pickup truck and the other has the Pride flag on it. The drivers are never shown, with the tagline "redefining tough" displayed at the end.

The rainbow truck, literally named the "Very Gay Raptor," actually debuted in 2021, and was "born in response to a negative comment on social media, with Ford rendering its most bada-- nameplate in sparkling gold adorned with rainbow graphics," according to Ford.

The ad began spreading on Twitter after the above tweet by user @ImMeme0 was posted last Wednesday, where some users appeared to share their concern about Ford "going woke" and others declaring they would sell their Fords because of the ad.

Twitter / AustinMReeder34

Twitter / dempocalypse

Ironically, many left-leaning social media users cheered on conservative animosity towards pickup trucks, hoping that a conservative boycott of trucks may push them towards more environmentally friendly public transit options.

Twitter / terminallyLOL

Twitter / Annie_Wu_22

Twitter / resnikoff

Ford is hardly the only company to draw ire for their supposedly newfound "wokeness," as companies including Target, Xbox, M&Ms, Home Depot, Keurig and, of course, Bud Light have all been at the center of outrage cycles for supposedly catering to the "Wokes." As of May 2023, however, all are still in business despite continued reposting of the "get woke go broke" catchphrase.

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Comments 9 total


If we get videos of angry man children smashing their trucks as a sign of “protest”, then we’ll have some real comedy gold



So wait a paintjob on a truck managed to undo 120 years of american car history? Speak about feet of clay…


snop dog

the ancient prophecy


The Christmas Pyro

ain't nothing gay about two trucks holding hands.



Like two Vikings, in the river on Sunday, washing off those dirty, manly bodies.



The wind blows, the sun shines, corporations attempt to appease the masses through platitudes, and insufferable twits get mad at the corporations in question.

I'm not sure if I found it legitimately surprising or just particularly disgusting that someone's immediate reaction was to equate LGBT people and groomers, but it's nevertheless probably the most surprising thing about this whole ordeal.



if they think that selling items and promoting ads centered around a topic is "grooming," they're gonna lose their shit when they find out what goes on in december, especially considering that it's much more child-focused then.



yes, trucks and cars are the wokest of woke. getting into a personal vehicle makes you a wimpy little liberal who can't handle being around people. only true red-blooded american patriots can take buses and trains. think about it, a train is the ultimate symbol of vehicular power, an immense, powerful machine. taking the bus and the train is something for only the most red-pilled based patriotic america lovers.



train look like massive cocks too if you think about it!
