Matt Watson Matt Watson Matt Watson Matt Watson Matt Watson

MaxMoeFoe, Twomad and dozens of other big internet names have been spamming "Matt Watson" over and over in their tweets, pushing the name to the top of the Twitter trends. But who is Matt Watson and how come he's suddenly so popular?

It all started with American musician and YouTuber Matt Watson announcing the release of his debut EP "OUCH!" on Twitter.

YouTuber MaxMoeFoe took it upon himself to make sure that Watson's new release does not go unnoticed, going above and beyond to make sure that Matt Watson becomes trending on Twitter. Starting with retweeting Watson's tweet, he proceeded to spam "matt watson" on Twitter hundreds of times across multiple tweets, with many of his followers and fellow YouTubers soon following suit.

Among those who joined MaxMoeFoe in his quest of promoting the musicians were YouTubers Twomad, Dolan Dark and Aztrosist, eSports personality Slasher and many others.

It didn't take long for the team YouTube & Co to push "Matt Watson" to the Twitter trends, with "Matt Watson" becoming the number two trend in the United States at one point.

The trend left many wondering who is Matt Watson. Watson he is an indie musician who solo-produced his EP – but he also has been a part of bands SuperMega nad Lazy Eye. But right now, Watson is more of a Twitter meme more than anything else, with many still keeping on the spam.

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