(Sega NFTs)

Following in the footsteps of Ubisoft and Square Enix, Sega is reportedly mulling over the possibility of integrating NFTs into their games, much to the dismay of many gamers.

A month-old interview on Sega Japan's careers and recruitment website was recently translated by VGC and the English-speakers were able to get a glimpse at the future Sega envisions for gaming.

Sega executive VP Shuji Utsumi explained Sega's vision for its "SuperGame" initiative. According to Utsumi, Super Games will be "AAA titles that cross over SEGA’s comprehensive range of technologies." These are hyped as going "beyond the traditional framework of gaming." It's unclear what that will mean until Sega releases one of these "SuperGames," though it appears to indicate Sega is looking to connect their games together somehow even if they are vastly different titles.

One way that connection could take place, Sega producer Masayoshi Kikuchi, explained, is through the potential integration of NFTs.

"It is a natural extension for the future of gaming that it will expand to involve new areas such as cloud gaming and NFTs," he said. "We are also developing SuperGame from the perspective of how far different games can be connected to each other."

This is not a confirmation that Sega will be including controversial crypto assets into their games going forward, but it was concerning to Sega fans that the company is apparently discussing the possibilities of what it can do with NFTs, considering a vocal majority of players dislike NFTs and past attempts to integrate them into video games have landed like lead balloons.

For now, NFT-doubters can at least be comforted with the knowledge that Sega appears to merely be "exploring" NFTs. It's possible that Kikuchi could have been floating the idea in order to get a read from the company's fanbase, in which case, many Sega fans have made their opinion on NFTs clear.

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Comments 14 total

Stone Imp

I thought they said the exact opposite a while back?



You mean they said they would explore TFNs ? (The Fucking Networks ?)



NFTs are the great filter of companies.



A gaming company that is a shadow of its former self trying to cling to relevancy by using the latest fad that – while widely talked about – is universally hated.

I swear that if it wasn't for (primarily) the Sonic franchise, Sega would have died years ago.



But they have so many original characters that they could definitely compete with Bored Apes! Just change the colour and add some accessory and voilà, new character!



Of fucking course Sega of Japan would do this


Moneypenny Coins

how tf are nfts supposed to make a gameplay mechanic


Joey Cannoli

They're gonna make it into a monetization scheme, just like with lootboxes.


Hot Sauce

My guess is by being equivalent to TF2 unusuals. The question is why the fuck make them NFTs when they can do the same and keep the info on their servers.



Because they're stupid. They're not smart enough to pull what TF2 did



Saying "NFT-doubters' is like saying "flying car-deniers,' "zeppelin deniers,' or "vacuum transport tube-deniers'(Lookin' at you Musk stans)



I'd say it's more like 'Nigerian prince deniers'.



Comparing NFTs to flying cars isn't inaccurate. We've had flying cars for decades now. The problem is they are both a shitty car and a shitty plane. There is no use case outside of novelty. NFTs are both a shitty monetization scheme and a shitty use of blockchain technology. In both cases, the people talking about them the most are completely divorced from reality when they make bold statements about their respective products.
