Elon Musk believes car tunnels are the way of the future in public transportation. His Boring Company has implemented this theory at the Las Vegas Convention Center, where people can get into a Tesla and be driven to set, different locations at the center. According to a November tweet from Musk, this tunnel will be a solution to traffic congestion.

Musk may have been tempting fate when he bragged about his Vegas tunnel defeating traffic because video has recently gone viral of his Vegas tunnel being absolutely swamped with traffic during Vegas' Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

As explained by a driver, the traffic seems to be caused by one of the "stations" in the convention center being closed. As one might imagine, the videos of one of Musk's ideas failing in practice amused his critics and led to an outpouring of dunks on social media.

Perhaps Musk may be wise to consider an alternative solution to his tunnels, one that takes people along a set route, dropping them off at stations on the way and runs on a fixed schedule.

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Comments 6 total


Musk derangement is intense I can't even tell from a distance if any of his toys but rockets and cars are working out because there's an army of gnashing twittards vacillating between stating it's non-functional or functional but evil. Having an army of seething liars hounding your every step is the best advertisement you can ask for today.



So. What did we lean? No, really, what did we learn? I'm curious. There's no way this was gonna work first try.



We learned that there's a thing that has been invented in 1863, a form of public transport that can be expanded and perfected for cheap transport of large amounts of people and that is traffic free called subway. We also learned that if somebody has enough money, influence and fanboys sucking his ass, they can make a bootleg subway, that isn't even traffic proof anymore, fail miserably, keep being rich as fuck and face no consequence whatsoever in spite of dumping an insurmountable amount of money in his bullshit caveman solution to the problem. Also that for some reason or other, that this information will trend in a memesite, despite not being a meme or being involved with any meme in any shape or form at the time of this comment being posted.



You're not wrong, but you're also excessively angry.



There's a reason "just build a fucking train" is a running joke with the Youtuber Adam Something and his viewers.
