(Credit: Memecompass.com)

Ever wonder where you fall on the memer's alignment chart? Are you a Wholesome Normie? A Dank Edgelord? Sure, you may self identify as one of these labels, but have you ever been told what kind of memer you are… by science?

Well, we may be a ways away until hard science can quantify a memer's dankness, but that doesn't mean pseudoscience can't try! Enter Redditor MartensCedric, the creator of Meme Compass. On the website, you can fill out a two-page survey and find out where your taste in memes stand on a two-axis coordinate system, similar in concept to the famous Political Compass, only instead of discovering one is "libertarian right" or "authoritarian left," you can find out whether you are a “wholesome dank” or “edgy normie.”

(Credit: Memecompass.com)

Like any good meme scientist, MartensCedric offers a concrete and elaborate definition for each attribute:

  • Dank: Dank memes is an ironic expression to describe memes that are intentionally bizarre. In the meme culture, it often describes innovative or higher quality memes. These memes often require a deeper understanding of the context, they are often understood by a smaller group rather than the masses.
  • Normie: Normies are people unaware of meme culture. Being a normie is not bad, it infact normal (sic). Normies are will often like memes that are considered low quality or "dead" due to the exhaustion of their comedic value.
  • Edgy: An edgy meme challenges social norms. It reveals a dark side to memes and will often shock people.
  • Wholesome: A wholesome meme promotes health of mind and/or soul. It supports positivity, compassion, love, understanding and affection. It displays empathy and has no sarcasm.

As for the test itself, it’s fun, if imperfect. First, the survey asks where the subject usually go to browse memes, along with a list of popular meme-sharing sites.

(Credit: Memecompass.com)

Upon making the final selection, the survey then goes into a series of questions related to the subject's preferences on certain meme phenomena. Here is where the methodology gets a little off though: while a lot of questions in the survey offer a fair chance for insightful answers, such as “What does Pepe the Frog represent?”, some questions sound rather conspicuously leading:

(Credit: Memecompass.com)

Considering the survey has been posted on various meme-centric subreddits, it’s difficult to imagine anyone answering the above question with a choice other than “strongly disagree." Other questions involve asking the user to judge whether a specific meme is “good.” The poor definition of what constitutes a “good meme,” compounded by the simplicity of accompanied examples, render these questions highly susceptible to biased or inaccurate results.

(Credit: Memecompass.com)

Nevertheless, Meme Compass is definitely a fun way to sink five minutes. As for me, I ended up about where I figured I would: a bit wholesome, a bit dank. Where do you stand?

(Credit: Memecompass.com)

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Comments 160 total


Not surprised at my results.


Krupam the Oldfag

Got 5.7, 2.89 – Dank Edgy.
Not fucking surprised to be honest.



Old thread but just looking at the amount of comments a fuckton of people got monero coin miners installed on their computers by this website. Don't go in this website unless you want malware, and if you've been on the site run a virus scan.



1.28, -0.5, combo Dank and Wholesome



Kekus Trismegistus

5.58, 5.53

Apparently I'm dank and edgy.



(6.51, -1.25)
dank and wholesome, but mostly dank



This compass, one created to represent the closest example we have to "internet politics," is flawed to to the point of being meaningless. Its reddit-based perspective is so obvious. Like, "Wholesome" and "Edgy?" "Normie" and "Dank?" What is this, some /r/dankmemes shithole of a comment section? My take on it is much more comprehensive:

Meme-Nativism vs. Meme-Liberalism and Meme-Naturalism vs. Meme-Culture.

You may think that these terms seem arbitrary, even synonymous, like "What does this have to do with the types of memes people post?." Ah, it's not based on the types of memes people post, but on the types of people that post memes, which then give indicators to the types of memes posted by the individual based on group-alignment. Allow me to explain what each term means



Meme-Nativism-- Memes from a community must never leave said community; the spread of memes beyond the source community destroys the meme and creates potential for outsiders to invade said community. Ex) 4chan being extremely defensive of "board culture," redditors stealing their memes, and newfags not assimilating.

Meme-Liberalism-- Memes must spread beyond their initial context and community. It is the spread of memes far and wide that makes memes great; the more people that know of the memes, the better. Ex) Literally KYM and BehindTheMeme, who just reads directly from KYM anyways.



Meme-Naturalism-- Memes must becomes memes naturally, not being built directly upon preexisting memes (or even meme formats in the extreme case), generally created incidentally or by happenstance through original content. Further believes that because of this, memes are finite and will die. Out with the old in with the new through in a natural cycle; there is no consistent "meme culture" because memes always change. Ex.) Hard to pinpoint, but in its most defined, 4chan "oldfags" working against both dead memes and forced memes.

Meme-Culture-- Memes are predictable through relative trends, and further based on these trends, it is imperative that memes are created within the bounds of this trend. Memes can be manufactured if it is based on the contemporary concept of a meme, thus adding to a "meme culture" which exists as the culmination of memes as a single entity or commodity. Ex.) /r/dankmemes, /r/MemeEconomy, pretty much anywhere on reddit.



Now you'll notice these are based on some clear-cut extremes that follow a consistent trend of being typically 4chan against reddit, and you're right. The two communities epitomize the opposite approaches people end to take when dealing with memes. And yes, there are mixes warranting this being part of an axis. The Trumpfags on /pol/ and 8/pol/ whom believed in "meme magic" and "redpilling the normies" would be considered both Meme-Liberals and partial Meme-Naturalists, whilst /leftypol/, who steals memes and modifies them, but doesn't want exposure from other outsiders, would be considered somewhat Meme-Nativistic and Meme-Cultural. And just like real-life politics, things are never as black-and-white on specific issues regarding memes and other related topics relevant to internet discussion.

Just my concept of how "internet politics" would generally be split.

This test here? Utter shite. Don't even get me started on how arbitrary the questions are, I Strongly Dislike'd every single shitty twitter-format meme regardless of content.


Ben Titfleck

wow r*ddit makes another unfunny meme



6.74, 8.95
I like my memes DARK and EDGY
