Though originally just a rumor posted by Redditor lacedwithbromance on Saturday, which claimed “Reddit's largest-ever banwave is coming Monday,” suspicions surrounding big changes on Reddit came to light today.

Earlier, Reddit admins announced that it would be updating its content policy and banning roughly 2,000 various subreddits from the platform, most notably r/The_Donald and r/ChapoTrapHouse. The ban wave comes from a recent move by the social media site that said it intended to crack down on hate, especially communities that it claimed promoted such hatred.

The announcement post from CEO Steve Huffman was made on Monday afternoon to the r/announcements subreddit, and stated, “… we committed to closing the gap between our values and our policies to explicitly address hate. After talking extensively with mods, outside organizations, and our own teams, we’re updating our content policy today and enforcing it (with your help).”

Eight new rules were introduced in the post with an explicit direction that all users must abide in order to use Reddit. The rules include: communities and users that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned, community rules and policies must be obeyed and any spamming or vote manipulation is subject to bans, targeted harassment of any kind is prohibited and revealing identities of people (doxxing) will result in a ban. While some of the policies were merely rewritten, the new changes take a harder stance on any kind of hate speech.

The post also announced that about 2,000 subreddits were banned as a result of the new changes. Huffman included a list of 200 of these in his original statement. While a majority of the banned communities had less than 1,000 members or were inactive, notable subs such as r/The_Donald, r/ChapoTrapHouse, r/consumeproduct, r/BigChungus and r/wojak were also included. About the bans, Huffman said in the post, “The community [r/The_Donald] has consistently hosted and upvoted more rule-breaking content than average (Rule 1), antagonized us and other communities (Rules 2 and 8), and its mods have refused to meet our most basic expectations. Though smaller, r/ChapoTrapHouse was banned for similar reasons: They consistently host rule-breaking content and their mods have demonstrated no intention of reining in their community.”

Users quickly racked up over 18,000 comments in the post’s thread, mostly seeking answers and clarifications to the announcement that were largely left unanswered. Redditor illegalNewt received the top comment while asking for more transparency about the banned subreddits, but received no official response. Redditor superspacesim was the next top comment, who said, “It's a fine statement and I'm sure you wanted to do right thing but under your very own rule you declare that people on Reddit are not equal. You create segregation based on race, sexuality, disability etc. Instead promoting dialogue, mutual understanding, respect and equality your own rule are here to divide people.”

Posts, including memes, began popping up across the site on a number of subreddits shortly after, including a depiction of the Chinese flag made from Reddit aliens on r/WatchRedditDie with the title “Reddit banning r/The_Donald and r/ChapoTrapHouse while letting subs like r/Sino roam free is more evidence to the fact that Chinese funding is influencing this site.” Several Redditors, as well as moderators, also began posting information about competitor site Ruqqus, with calls for people to move to the new platform that boasts it’s “free of censorship and moderator abuse.”

Twitter quickly responded to the announcement with mixed reception. YouTuber Justin Whang tweeted about the ban, noting the drastic change in Reddit’s stance from previous years on free speech.

A particularly debated topic surrounding Rule 1’s “Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability” resulted in many online also mocking the interpretations of this vague new policy change. The excerpt in question stated, "While the rule on hate protects such groups, it does not protect all groups or all forms of identity. For example, the rule does not protect groups of people who are in the majority or who promote such attacks of hate." Journalist Tim Pool pointed out in a tweet that this new rule could mean that hate targeting people for being female is allowed, due to their majority status in the U.S.

Elsewhere online, the news spread to several media outlets who covered the story following the announcement post. In an article from the New York Times, the newspaper stated that “Reddit, acting against hate speech, bans ‘The_Donald’ subreddit,” while Vice, Politico and BuzzFeed News also reported on it. According to Vice, today’s ban wave and announcement will go down among many Redditors as “The Great Ban,” marking an unprecedented shift in the direction of Reddit’s future.

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Comments 28 total


Endorsing the chinese censorship, great move Reddit, except donald and big chungus and wojak, those deserved to be deleted (the donald is about trump right? Not Donald Duck hopefully).


Mr. Croat

What did r/wojak and r/bigchungus actually do?


Mr. Croat

When it was quarantined, then it became a battlefield


there is no username

i've had my reddit account suspended twice for posting edgy memes. just let me make jokes please


Princeso Bubblegum

I don't think the majority of CTH users endorsed sinophobia



All these companies that so heavily rely on ad-revenue are witnessing what is happening to Instagram and Facebook. A political boycott has pushed many major ad-sponsors to pull out completely out of Facebook ads. They see the writing on the board: they are next. This is why you're seeing the purge. And it won't be just reddit. Prepare to see this across all social platforms.



It's weird how using humor to spread the message against mindless consumerism and its other harmful effects, as well as using said humor to sharpen one's own senses to learn the bigger picture are considered hate speech.

Common fucking sense is considered hate speech. This is why mass shootings happen.


Chocolate Donut

If you're talking about r/consumeproduct, yeah… no. Most of the anti-consumerism sentiment there was a pretense for complaining about LGBTQ people and jewish people.

Here's some antisemitism and outrage over "race-mixing":

And here's some transphobia:


Nox Lucis

The details in that "Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability" part are pretty grim looking. They make no qualms about the fact that they mean to apply the rules differently based on the races of those involved. To say that this is setting a bad precedent for what could come is putting it lightly.



It's also bizarre that they only ban "hate towards groups that are a minority". Where, exactly? America? The World? Because last time I checked, Asians are a majority globally speaking. Is it then okay to hate them?

The more exceptions and rules you need for your moral compass, the more delusional it is in my eyes.


Nox Lucis

There's also the difference between demographic and social minorities. A demographic minority/majority is the common usage of the terms. In a population that is 70% A's and 30% B's, B's are the demographic minority.

However, if we assume that those B's control 90% of their society's resources and the A's only 10%, then the A's are a social minority. Watch out for people who never specify which kind of "minority" they mean and will actively switch between the two meanings in order to control the conversation.



At this point it's just so convoluted. What the hell happened to good old fashioned "treat everyone with the same level of respect and only judge them by the contents of their character"? Is it so fucking hard to just be human? We gotta divide people into arbitrary subgroups and make different rules for them? Humanity never seem to learn.



I don't normally hate Reddit (it's good for porn), but this is a certified Reddit Moment TM. Rule 1 in particular sets a horrifying precedent.


Ted Burges

When you say good for porn, would you be willing to elaborate?


Annie-May Manngo

Depends on the type of porn you're after. There are some really niche porn subreddits like /r/wholesomehentai or /r/femxeno that really scratch some of my itches.

I have more if you want 'em.



I heard this was coming but it seems more like testing waters before the real purge. Banning T_D now is pointless, it was already dead.



This is a declaration of war on free speech, and warrants in-person mass-protesting, face-to-face confrontation and, should they refuse to fix this, physical violence.



Yes fellow internet user. We must commit domestic terrorism to stop the tyranny of our favorite site Now if you would be so kind as to send me your IP address so that we can find a suitable location for us to have a get together to discuss our plans. And if you see a black van, don't worry. That's just the pizza truck for the pizza I ordered.


Сука нет

this has to be a parody of recent events lol


Confused Man

Better ways to combat hate without censorship (imo here…)

1) Prior to a person viewing a thread or subreddit of concern, have warning banner/warning page for subreddits that have a history of promoting hate speech and promoting real-life violence against person or persons.

2) Remove anonymity. Though FB has shown that people are still likely to promote hate speech with their real names, the amount of hate-filled post is likely to be reduced when people know their comments can have real life consequences.

The above solutions are far from perfect (cries of censorship due to warning banner or cries of stifled speech due to fear of repercussion for agreeing with or expressing true thoughts), it's better than an outright ban.

What you lose with a ban:
+ visibility and tracking on WHO is conducting hate-speech/threats/violent post, as they potentially migrate to a more secretive space in the web
+ diversity of perspectives and frames (though some of these perspectives are outright "evil" at times, it's more harmful to be ignorant of their existence)

You might lose more, but I feel like I'm wasting time with this post now. Throwing out my perspective to the ether for it to be lost or buried in the sea of internet noise….

I'm working hard to finance my away-from-everyone living, and satellite internet will be good enough to support my NEET lifestyle far from you all. If you want to destroy yourselves, fine, but I'm sick of all this chaos. I'm out.



They already do #1, and FUCK NO on #2.



The moment number 2 happens, I'm out.
I've used the internet far too long to support such a thing.

I also don't own a mobile phone, a facebook, a twitter, none of that.
