(Avalanche Studios / Hogwarts Legacy)

We're at T-minus 10-ish hours until Hogwarts Legacy officially releases, and a new front has been opened by the anti-Hogwarts Legacy contingency intended to kill interest in the game before it's released — rampant spoiler-posting.

Hogwarts Legacy has proven extremely controversial ahead of its release thanks in large part to the various TERF controversies of Harry Potter author JK Rowling and other aspects surrounding the game's plot and development.

With calls to boycott the game apparently failing, posting warning-free spoilers is less tangibly harmful strategy than what boycotters have previously attempted but is potentially very annoying for anyone interested in playing the game.

Anyone looking to avoid spoilers for Hogwarts Legacy will be facing a difficult time online over the following few days. Currently, the official hashtag for the game on Twitter is not safe to scroll (example spoiler post here), while Know Your Meme can independently confirm that spoilers can appear on various social media timelines untagged and in the form of screenshots — meaning spoiler-averse fans can't even mute relevant keywords to ensure they'll never come across one.

The new tactic employed by the Hogwarts Legacy boycotters drew expectedly divided reactions online, as some thought it was a justifiable and non-violent way to protest the game while others thought it was a dirty tactic.

Of course, there was also a contingency of people with no interest in the game who came across the spoilers and affirmed their position that the Harry Potter series is nonsensical and childish.

Hogwarts Legacy still has not been officially released yet, meaning it will be some time until we can see if any of the boycotting strategies actually end up affecting sales of the game.

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Comments 37 total


I don't think getting spoiled has ever stopped me from wanting to consume something. Unless you count instances where the thing that was spoiled itself made me not want to consume it.



Wait, didn't people love spoiling stories like Harry Potter and Twilight because fans of these series are nerds, and it's fun to hear them crying "shut up!" when you yell "Dumbodork gets unalived by Usurperus Snake?"



…did that second tweet actually say there’s an “ongoing genocide”



Well, in the U.S. we live under a two party system, and the leading presidential candidate for the conservative party has said that when he wins in 2024 he will use emergency power to bypass the other branches of the federal government and all state governments to begin the mass arrests of every doctor, teacher, and advocacy group that supports trans people.

So "ongoing" not exactly, imminent, possibly.


Mr. Darcy

That still wouldn't be a genocide…



That's just going to continue to draw people's attention to the game. People aren't playing it for the plot twists; they're playing it to immerse themselves in the world. This isn't going to stop anyone who was going to buy the game. It's not an effective deterrent or punishment at all – it's just annoying and can only hurt the cause. It's SO stupid.



The funny thing is that there are several series I started following and games I started playing specifically BECAUSE of spoilers. I probably wouldn't ever even have gained an interest in them if the spoilers hadn't given me the perspective I needed on the specifics of what those series were about. Will be nice if the same happens here, though probably not much since everyone and their grandma is into Harry Potter already.



My favorite thing about this is that since the positive reviews came out these people have turned into full blown gamergaters. "Game reviews are bought and paid for." "Corporate journos give every game a good review because they have to." "That trans character was just added to LOOK progressive, it's all for show."

We just need a TRA to drop an unironic line about ethics in gaming journalism and the Infinity Horseshoe will be complete.



Been saying this for years. This proves they were all massive hypocrites all along.



Regardless of the effectiveness of this campaign, I can't really blame the LGBT and their allies. They have a vested interest in disrupting sales. For every copy of the game sold, more money is given to Rowling who in turn has made clear her intentions of spending it on anti-LGBT laws and policies. It can be hard when people care more about a video game than you're safety and wellbeing.



Leave the LGB out of this. They aren't the ones who are so fragile that anything that doesn't cater to their whims is treated like an existential threat.



There's a non-negligible difference between "not catering to" and "actively disenfranchising".



Not when it comes to TRAs. The slightest disagreement with their worldview will get you labeled a genocidal monster.



Way too many people assume the trans gaming community is to blame for this when they seem mostly apathetic to it.

@LiteralGrill 's tweet especially is reacting to the "is it a step too far" article.



I can't find the tweet now, but I did see one from someone who said they were trans that was basically "we don't really care about this, we're more concerned with stuff like legislation".


Geigh Science

"We have to make our community as fucking obnoxious as possible in order to get people to stop hating us"
-LGBT allies, apparently



Statistically speaking, in nearly all cases it’s just one of those letters throwing a big ol’ shitfit


Sir Trollsalot

You came to spoil Harry Potter and you left with spoilt reputation.
