A staple social game from earlier days of social media, namely Facebook, was to ask the observer to "pick the best one" from a mixed grouping of random things. This is perhaps best exemplified in the meme Where Y'all Sitting that asks which lunch table the observer would rather sit at for lunch, with the various tables having different anime, TV show or movie characters seated at them.

Yesterday, a viral Twitter post reignited this age-old trend — meant to create replies and spark discussion through a similar setup to Where Y'all Sitting that declared "you can only live in one house," with multiple answers being given into today.

Although the image spread into thousands of tweets and replies, some people also found issues with the fun Twitter game. The issues brought up ranged from a lack of other musical genres, an overwhelming majority of white males in the options and some of the given options having recent lawsuits and accusations lodged against them.

Whether it was for attention, superiority or both, there was no shortage of critiques and suggestions for what was supposed to be a harmless "pick one" game.

Twitter controversy aside, this question has even inspired some to create their own versions, turning it into more of an exploitable meme format than a simple picture question.

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Clearly, the answer is Keygen Church. Because I would probably be alone.



Is this a house with the music being played, or is it actually cohabiting with the musicians? That actually affects my choice, because #3 would have a lot of old man smell.



3 and 9, in as much as I love Tool, I would absolutely hate being surrounded by NIN and Marlyn Manson fans. I don't need to revisit highschool like that again.
