A prankster snuck in a "Let's Go Brandon" during a nationally televised telephone conversation with Joe Biden on Christmas Eve, leading to facepalms, scrutiny, and allegedly, harassment from the viewing public.

Oregonian man Jared Schmeck called into the NORAD Santa tracker where Biden and First Lady Jill Biden were taking calls. After a pleasant conversation about what Shmeck's children wanted for Christmas, Shmeck wished the President, "Merry Christmas, and Let's Go Brandon." Jill Biden winced and Joe joked, "I agree."

Though the phrase has grown popular among conservatives as a means of saying "F--- Joe Biden" due to a reporter trying to claim a group of fans chanting "F--- Joe Biden" were actually chanting "Let's Go Brandon" at a NASCAR race.

Despite the phrase's conservative connotation, Schmeck maintains he meant it in jest and doesn't consider himself a "Trumper." He told The Oregonian:

I understand there is a vulgar meaning to ‘Lets go Brandon,’ but I’m not that simple minded, no matter how I feel about him. He seems likes he’s a cordial guy. There’s no animosity or anything like that. It was merely just an innocent jest to also express my God-given right to express my frustrations in a joking manner…I love him just like I love any other brother or sister.

After his remark, however, he appeared on Steve Bannon's talk show with a Make America Great Again hat, called Trump "his" president and claimed the election was stolen.

He also uploaded his side of the phone call to his YouTube channel.

The moment received widespread condemnation from Democratic politicians and posters on social media while conservatives laughed that Biden agreed with the remark.

Schmeck also insisted he was merely exercising his freedom of speech, and alleges he has been receiving threatening phone calls since the televised remark. Despite this, he says he "100% stands behind" what he did.

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Comments 25 total


Every time this comes up the comments have people going "Why didn't he just say 'fuck you'? You can say fuck, you know. Don't hide behind a euphemism.'

It's a meme. That's the point. The entry on it explains it. This site is called Know Your Meme. It's meming.

These comments have a real "But why male models" feel to them.



Bc the whole meme is "having an euphemism for an insult", which is something preschoolers do.

There's nothing beyond "ha ha I didn't say the f-word so you can't get mad, mom!"



Remember that bit from friends where Ross and Monica have this hand gesture which they used to insult each other without their parents noticing, and the whole joke is how insanely childish it is, especially now as they are adults and can just insult each other normally?



BOI you incels will go to the absolute wildest to justify being spineless cowards, huh?…



Why is there an event where potentially any random person can call the president on live TV and say anything, unsupervised? This is like every time when a corporation makes a public poll about how a boat/drink/school/etc. should be named and then inevitably something ridiculous or offensive wins because some people on the internet decide to do a little trolling – what do they expect?



I'm noticing a trend of comments dismissing the term "Let's go Brandon" saying it's a dumb replacement to cussing out the president himself under the guise of civility or at the very least hiding that it's a curse.

I'm going to be real, I don't think that is what they are doing when they say the phrase. Rather I think it's the opposite. The origin of the term came from a news reporter either mishearing or censoring the phrase "Fuck Joe Biden". People are parodying this by using "Let's go Brandon" as an unapologetic slur.

People are genuinely saying "Fuck Joe Biden" nonchalantly. There is no code involved because that requires people to not understand what they are saying. This isn't an attempt to hide the word "fuck" because it's literally mocking the news organization that hid the word to begin with.

I think the phrase is obnoxious. I think it is uncivil. But I don't think the individuals using it are scared of saying "Fuck". I think certain commentators dismissing it as a dogwhisle because they want an excuse to criticize the phrase without sounding like hypocrites after saying every dirty word in the book in regards to Trump (or any other politician they might have cussed out on social media).


A Concerned Rifleman

The point of "Let's Go Brandon" isn't necessarily a middle finger at Biden but rather the media who spent the last 4 years screaming up and down the street about the accountability of power going out of the way to lick the DNC's ass at every opportunity no matter how small or petulant it seems. It's basically saying, "We know you're the DNC's lapdog and there's no way you can tell us otherwise after this" and that's the beauty of it, you can sling insults at them all day long but the moment you question their squeaky clean image they recoil.

Biden is too much of a husk to be mad at, it's the hypocritical peons around him that are completely bloody intolerable.



"There is no code involved because that requires people to not understand what they are saying."
That's not necessarily how this sort of thing works. This is a euphemism, not a dog whistle. If you say you need to "go powder your nose," it's with the full expectation of people grasping you're going to the bathroom. But it's less likely to earn you social censure even if its meaning is not actually any different or less clearly understood than "I'm gonna go drop a big fat deuce." It's the same thing here. If someone sticks a "Let's go Brandon" sign in their yard, it's a lot less likely they'd get asked to take it down than if they wrote "Fuck Joe Biden" instead. They get the internal thrill of taking a shot at Biden but with less chance of social consequences. I'm sure there are some cases where it's being used primarily to mock media lapdogs, which I do get, but it's definitely being used a lot as a way to smuggle an "obscene" sentiment into circumstances where it would otherwise face reprimand. Anyone's welcome to think of that what they will, but to me personally (as if anyone asked) it comes across as risibly timid. "I wanna say naughty words but I don't wanna get in twoouuuuble."



I really don't think they are being that clever. Anyone who understands how television news works knows that the outlet was just trying to spare itself from the wrath of the FCC. (There was an interview with Russel Crowe where the interviewer freaked out when Crowe said "fuck" without thinking.) Frankly, I often forget that "Let's go, Brandon" is even a thing, and those who condemn it are pathetic. It's a case of "don't feed the trolls."



This man does have a First Amendment right to tell the president to go fuck himself during a Christmas event for children that was live streamed. Everyone else also has a First Amendment right to call him an asshole for doing so.


Geigh Science

those are some pretty smart children if they're able to learn the f word from "let's go brandon" lol



they could simply look up the phrase on know your meme dot com



You get the opportunity to tell the president to go fuck himself directly, and you waste it on a timid little euphemism? That's dropping the ball straight into a blender.


A Concerned Rifleman

I'd think the same way if it didn't actually work.



I mean… yes, the sound waves he emitted did indeed reach the recipient's ears and were processed as language, I guess? Is that the threshold for "work"?



If he'd said "fuck you joe biden" we would have missed out on the euphoric catharcism of Joe Biden saying "I agree, lets go Brandon" thats almost enough to make this shit stain of a term worth it.



The fuck did he expect? Is he new to life?



Yknow I would’ve been more forgiving to this guy if he DIDN’T go on to admit he lied in his previous statement all while wearing a maga hat

So yeah fuck him he got what was coming to him


Geigh Science

man who doesn't support biden is a trump supporter

more shocking news at 11



Oh no please protect the preesssident he's sooo defenseless u n u
