With another Pokemon Presents video came more new Pokemon forms for people to get excited over. Previous presentations showcased new forms of generation two Pokemon like Girafarig and Suicune, but the newest one has many trainers scratching their heads.

In the Pokemon Presents today, an ancient form of the Electric-type Legendary Pokémon Raikou was shown, called a paradox Pokemon, which gave him a radically changed design — including a long giraffe-like neck.

The initial fan reaction to the newest form of this decades-old design was somewhat split but is now appearing to lean toward the negative with many people feeling it was a significant downgrade compared to Walking Wake.

These mixed feelings of either liking it or hating it were shared within the community through various memes, photo edits and references to other properties made using Paradox Raikou, with more people sharing their displeasure at the design following the reveal.

Some creative trainers have also started photoshopping Raging Bolt to either make him better designed in their eyes or overly exaggerating the long neck to continue on with the meme.

This led to a lot of references to previous memes involving long necks to be made, with Raging Bolt being inserted as a replacement and an emphasis being placed on countering the negative public opinion of it.

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I'm gonna guess it's based on the "Kirin" mythical beast which is some kind of giraffe



Kirins aren't giraffes though? They're more like dragon-unicorn-deer. I've never seen them depicted with long necks at all.



That came out wrong. I can't say if this was a coincidence or it created the legend of the "Qilin" (chinese spelling for Kirin) but in China, when the first giraffe that was brought in 1414, it was qualified as the mythical "Qilin" (the chinese name for Kirin).

The horns of the giraffe are the same in the sense that they're covered in fur and skin, and the way the giraffe's coat looked was similar enough to the scales of a Qilin.



It looks like a dick lol



I prefer uniquely weird.
