
Last week's Pokémon Direct surprised fans with the announcement that a new Pokémon Snap game was coming to the Switch. While that was cause for excitement in itself, more surprising was The Pokémon Company announcing another Direct to come on June 24th. Naturally, the hype for a second Direct began to grow, as fans wondered what huge announcement Pokémon was saving for its own presentation. Could it be the long-awaited remakes of the fourth generation of main-series games? Or a Let's Go! versions of Generation II?

Instead, Pokémon announced Pokémon Unite, a Pokémon-themed Multiplayer Online-Based Arena (MOBA) game akin to League of Legends.

The game features 5-vs.-5 team battles, base-capturing, stategizing, and some leveling up, all with a Pokémon sheen. It will be "free-to-start," and will feature cross-platform availability between the Switch and mobile devices. There is currently no release date for the game.

While the game marks an interesting branch into another genre for the Pokémon franchise, it seems clear from the trailer's abysmal like-to-dislike ratio on YouTube and a flurry of angry tweets that people are let down by the announcement of Pokémon Unite.

Of course, not everyone was salty about the announcement. Many seemed to note that the reaction to Pokémon Unite wouldn't have been so negative had they included the trailer in last week's Direct instead of hyping a Direct solely for this game.

As Pokémon fans are notoriously vocal about their desires (and very eager to voice their displeasure when they don't get what they want), it seems Pokémon could have avoided backlash had they included Pokémon Unite in last week's presentation and concluded with the New Pokémon Snap reveal. Still, it will be interesting to see if Pokémon Unite turns into a serious MOBA game or gets lost along with other Nintendo experimentations with mobile gaming like Mario Kart Tour.

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Comments 8 total


What's so awful about Tencent? I literally never heard of these guys until this announcement and everybody but me seems to know all about them….


Fearful Harmony

I'm not sure about the monetisation and business practices of Tencent since I don't play much of their games (their rendition of Call of Duty on mobile is pretty great from what I've seen, though). However, there are several privacy concerns coming from the games and messaging apps they've released and their ties with the Chinese government's censorship campaigns.
Here's an article about their most recent controversy regarding Riot Games' latest shooter "Valorant" and its anti-cheat software that acts as spyware (and other controversies they had in the past).

I find it really concerning how China is aggressively gaining a foothold on the gaming industry, knowing their attitude towards online privacy and internet freedom. And also how big name companies are outsourcing their game developments on Chinese-owned studios (much like how other kinds of companies are dependent on cheap Chinese labor in manufacturing).


Mono Bear

People set themselves up for false hype and got dissapointed?



I would’ve been interested in this game IF IT WASN’T MADE BY TENCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Terry Jones

Really? Fans would rather have another bloody remake? Of the fourth gen games that (last I checked) most don't like that much? Pfft okay then….



sinnoh in theory is great. in practice it has awful load times and could benefit from a coat of polish like the ORAS remakes



The worst part is that I know this will be a money printing machine. Tencent's business model is horribly abusive but it makes a damn lot of money.



Pokemon disappointing fans? How odd!
