The logo for Tariq Nasheed's newly launched Suspected Words Database. | Image credit: Tariq Nasheed's Twitter

Update: In an email correspondence with Know Your Meme, Nasheed wrote that he did not personally add DeFranco to the database, speculating that it was actually the work of "racist trolls." Additionally, Nasheed revealed that the site was only up for 45 minutes before it was compromised by hackers and that he is unsure if and when the database will relaunch.

Philip DeFranco, the popular internet news vlogger who has been embroiled in several bouts of YouTube drama and controversies this year, is in another heated battle after being listed on the Suspected Words Database, a mysterious crowdsourced project launched by former pick-up artist-turned-activist Tariq Nasheed.

Last night, DeFranco shared a screenshot of Nasheed's tweet urging his followers to register on his newly launched database, along with a screenshot of DeFranco listed as a “suspect” for “trolling." DeFranco's post quickly made the rounds on Twitter, with many readers questioning the purpose of the site and its criteria for inclusion in the database.

While the database has since been taken down and replaced with the message “be right back,” its homepage initially featured a disclaimer explaining that its purpose was to “analyze the words and free speech of people who’s [sic] intent could be considered ‘suspect.’” Perhaps driven by ambiguous word choices in the disclaimer, many who stumbled upon the site soon began speculating that its true mission is to defame certain public figures as bigots and white supremacists without any substantial evidence.

In response to DeFranco's tweet, Nasheed engaged other Twitter users who pointed out that the Suspected Words Database logo looks similar to a Nazi swastika, a claim he vehemently denied. Shortly after, Nasheed deleted his original tweet linking to the database.

For the record, this wasn’t the only time the two social media personalities butted heads. Just last month, Nasheed referred to DeFranco as a “suspected white supremacist” after the two sparred online over Nasheed’s characterization of Bill Cosby's rape trial as a “white supremacist’s witch hunt.” DeFranco responded to Nasheed’s commentary in a YouTube video, in which he laughed off his accusations and speculated that he was actually just a “top-tier troll.”

While it is currently unclear if and when Nasheed’s database will return, it seems like a safe bet this will not be his last controversy on social media.

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Comments 92 total


Not just trolls, racist trolls.
Not just hackers, racist hackers.
Not just Tuesday, racist Tuesday.



I love when we have Racist Tuesday at work. It's way better than Casual Friday.



We have Casual Racist Friday.


martin mystere

He's obviously a troll.



Where have I seen this before hmmm….?



With all this opinion based accusations and 'witch hunts' it really feels like we entering a new dark age.



If it wasn't for the man who made this site, I would have assumed it was a /pol/ false flag like Clovergender, C+=, FemCon, #DraftOurDaughters, the OK gesture controversy… The swastika logo is too on-the-nose.



This is also the same guy that tired earlier that week to attack Planet of the apes for being about BLM



>criticizing Planet of the Apes for being about Black Lives Matter



But… guys… That's… That's a manji. You know, peace? If it were a swastika, those little bits at the very end would be pointing the other way.



Um, no. Its pointing the Nazi way. Like you could lay it over the Nazi flag without editing.



Really? I swore that if the four prongs formed un-mirrored L's, it was the Swastika, otherwise, it's the manji…



Really. Side by side comparison:


Nigel the treasure hunter

Wonder if Shia LaBeouf is already on the list.


Brethren Toons

I fixed it so it doesn't look like a swastika.

It took me like, 15 minutes or so.

"Nah let's just deny it being a swastika instead of taking a few minutes to fix it so people don't get the wrong idea."



now it look like 3 K's cleverly arranged to avoid controversy, terrible job



Now it looks like a razor that edgelords can cut themselves on.


Farm Zombie

You know what? At this point, the qualifications for racist, sexist, etc. are so low that it's nearly impossible not to be one of them. Might as well embrace it. Let's have a KKK-themed pool party! Everybody's invited! Just don't forget to cut eye holes in your hood or you'll fall in the pool and everybody will laugh!



I think you just described the origins of /pol/



No, this is the origin of /pol/



Matal v. Tam (SCOTUS, 2017)- "Hate speech" is free speech too.

They could make all the databases they want. He's within his rights.



Nice Swastika added to my swastikas collection
