Twitter / @heartereum

As new technological mediums have been introduced over the course of human history, one of the most surefire methods to see if they're a mere fad or something that's here to stay is to measure how well they can deliver pornography (yes, really). Since artificial intelligence is the hot medium du jour, there have been some attempts to use the power of algorithmic generation to break into humanity's oldest vice. But will AI ever be powerful enough to replace real human women?

That question was debated over the weekend after Twitter user @heartereum tweeted pictures of AI-generated Hot Girls and declared "It's SO over."

It's unclear what program created these wildly proportioned ladies in bikinis, but a similar image was posted to Reddit the same day. There and on Twitter, people then used the softcore images as a jumping-off point to discuss whether human pornography's days are numbered.

"I'd bet within 4-5 years we will have AI-generated, medium-length movies that are decent-good. At that point, why subscribe to someone on OF when you can literally make someone to your own preference, dress her/him, then make any scene you could imagine," one commenter on Reddit said. Some shared a similar prognosis on Twitter as the viral images continued to spread online.

Others took myriad issues with the implied idea that AI will soon replace human pornography. First of all, the women shown in @heartereum's post have the familiar hand abnormalities typical of the current capabilities of AI, which could be a turnoff for folks who prefer their smut stars to have realistic-looking hands. Take, for example, this lady with hands in her hair:

A second key issue cited by champions of human porn is that there is more than just a visual element to OnlyFans models and the like, as many seek out the models not only for looks but for the parasocial relationship they can have with a real person, not with an algorithmically generated cartoon character.

Furthermore, some argued that it's difficult to imagine what precisely would be "over" if AI began making competent pornography since there is famously and competently done pornography for every fetish imaginable already on the internet.

If and when AI reaches the point of creating decent pornography, there will undoubtedly be a market for it, but it seems at least from the discussion this weekend, it will hardly threaten the general human appetite for actual human beings getting it on in all sorts of creative ways.

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If I need to be educated about intimacy, I look to Arabelle Raphaelle. Bitch has got a pussy like a Last of Us zombie



Considering how fast the technology is growing in realism and accuracy i'd say that the few imperfection we see today will be polished in maybe a year or 2 at most. In parallel to that you have script writing AI that are getting better and better to a point of being hard to spot… I predict that in about 10 years we'll start to see fully generated films. I mean there's already generated youtube video:

The only thing AI seem to struggle with is music for some reason.



If this ever gains huge traction the same way AI art has, I think it'll be interesting to see how it plays out legally.

Especially with the potential for something indistinguishable(for most people/at a glance) from literal CP being there.



Im pretty sure people have already used SD to make photorealistic CP.



My two cents:

1. These are definitely far more realistic than what I would have expected from AI technology over, say, a year ago. The fact that we've come this far with realism is astonishing.

2. The last hurdle to be vaulted would be those remaining few details; fingers, teeth, poses, and the like. My guess is that that's gonna take far more work than the steps we've seen here. If teaching a human to draw a realistic hand is a pain in the ass, I can only imagine how much cajoling it would take a neural network that doesn't really know what a "hand" is to begin with.

3. Most people are not gonna care about the finger thing. Artists will, and they will ride that straight into the sunset until said problem is 100% solved or until the social issues surrounding AI art are 100% solved. I think most people recognize that the problem is a decidedly solvable one, though, particularly for photorealistic images.



(continued from before)

4. This isn't gonna replace sex workers of any stripe any time soon. Like streamers, a bunch of these folks are dependent on parasociality. When people get a really solid chatbot going, then we may see some undercutting. I know that Replika is trying to sell that, but there's a bit too much of an aura of "holy shit this is the saddest thing ever" to really attract people.

5. I think the pornographic comic artists will be the least affected by this. Paneling and perspective seem to be things that AIs aren't good at yet; most AI-drawn hentai images I've seen tend to be straight-on or barely off-center.



AI can already replicate human speech well enough, and is getting better. Imagery is getting to a terrifyingly realistic point. Video will have to follow. At that point, the market can be flooded with artificial "bespoke" women, while simultaneously undercutting all real women. You'll be able to ask an AI to generate exactly the woman you want with the personality you want, talk to her, get images and videos of her, and all it costs is processing power. That will spell the doom for OF girls at the least.

The real "doom" for women won't come until sex dolls turn into sex androids.


Аrtіfісіаl Сһееѕе

The Reddit post came from, user @heartereum also said here the model they used is "Uberrealistic", which I think means URPM



Lol @ those sharing a close up of a slightly crooked ring finger as some sorta 'GOTCHA'.
