(Twitter / @tsarnick)

In Shrek, the villainous Lord Farquaad famously says, "Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make."

To many creatives, OpenAI Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati sounded a lot like Lord Farquaad at a talk she gave at Dartmouth Engineering two days ago when she addressed concerns that artificial intelligence will take jobs by saying, "Some creative jobs maybe will go away, but maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place."

In response to the above tweet from @tsarnick, user @PicoPaco17 wrote, "She's saying the quiet part out loud," and indeed, Murati's comments lay bare and seem eager to validate the concerns creatives and artists have had about the recent push to incorporate AI into society from the tech sphere.

Over the past several years, criticisms of AI have centered around concerns that cost-cutting entertainment company executives will use it to try and fudge the roles of artists, resulting in the loss of entertainment industry jobs and inferior final products.

Naturally, as @tsarnick's tweet spread on Twitter / X, there was a familiar split in takes about Murati's comments, as some tech-minded individuals seemed to nod in agreement while AI's critics found her comments ghoulish.

Twitter / meganroseruiz

Twitter / Andantonius

Some pointed out that even if OpenAI's goal is as nefarious as eliminating creative jobs in the entertainment industry, the company would probably be smart to stop using Murati as a spokesperson if this is how she represents that ideal.

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Comments 11 total


we used to use guillotines for shit like this



This is what happens when you co-opt an ideology you don't actually believe in…
One idea of Marxism was to free the proletariat from wasting all their time on physical labor by replacing the shitty jobs with robots. "You shouldn't have to do these jobs in the first place, machines will let you do better jobs!"
Here we see a grifter trying to hide behind this noble goal without, you know, giving a shit about poor people. They're caught in a bad spot -- they're running out of shitty jobs to automate, and they're siphoning money away from an idealized post-labor world for their own selfish goals -- so they blurt out "well maybe you should have been unemployed in the first place, machines will just do a better job."



That has to be one of the most tone-deaf and idiotic comments I've ever read. Saying that you're willing to take jobs is bad enough but saying they shouldn't have been jobs in the first place? Where do you think all the data sets to train your models comes from, genius?



People like this should die


Skittles Lad

“Some of you will die, and that is a sacrifice I’m going to make.”



Fucking WOW

I hope open ai gets shutdown



A leech accusing others of leeching


Ass Railroad

The generative AI thing feels like it is on the verge of collapsing. People hate seeing it, more people are griping about it everywhere, and the technology is hitting a brick wall in that after having scraped all the data it can it can't actually get smarter. Really the only thing that people seem not to balk at with generative AI is it in shitposting, and shitposting is hardly a commercial market. So AI companies saying "well maybe those jobs shouldn't exists" feels like a wild broadside to attempt and gain some last minute converts before the whole enterprise begins to crack.


A Concerned Rifleman

At the very least it pulls the mask off most of these sorts of people. You know, instead of trying to replace artists and writers, we should be using AI to replace moneymen and middle managers, you know, actual jobs that AI is more likely to do a better job at replacing. Of course, that wouldn't be good business, would it?
