A screen cap of "Nutting" on Twitter this morning and two memes reacting to the trend.
(Twitter / @Lummish, @GreyBellyFox)

Early this morning, the term "Nutting" began trending on Twitter to the surprise and shock of many users who didn't expect such an NSFW topic to be featured so prominently in their morning scrolls. Needless to say, there was much confusion on the platform, which further fueled the trend throughout the day.

The original reason that "Nutting" trended was because of Bob Nutting, owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team, who has been accused of underpaying his players and engaging in less-than-savory business practices. The MLB season got off to a rocky start this year, with players and owners unable to reach an agreement on compensation and other issues. The lockout led to the cancelation of the first few games of the season, though it was resolved a couple of weeks ago.

But, while significant tensions still simmer in Major League Baseball, most of the people tweeting about "nutting" this morning were not posting about anything having to do with bats, balls or bases. The topic did trend, however, under the headline of "Sports." Many humorously wondered whether Twitter was officially recognizing the practice as a worthy athletic pursuit.

Apparently, one of the first tweets that showed up for users who clicked on the trending hashtag was a graphic and NSFW video, leading many to regret clicking on it in the first place.

Odd things have trended on Twitter in the past, and like all platforms, it has its NSFW side. But this morning's "nutting" shocked many, proving the internet will always find a new way to surprise even the most seasoned scrollers.

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