Nostalgia Grips Social Media As Legendary Comic Writer Alan Grant Passes Away At 73


Published 2 years ago

The comics industry and its fans are in mourning today as Alan Grant, one of the premiere writers behind a large amount of DC Comics such as Batman, Judge Dredd and Lobo's core content passed away.

Grant's passing came at the age of 73, leaving behind a lasting legacy as an inspiration to the current generation of comic artists. On social media, thousands reacted to the news with shock and dismay, upset that a pivotal member of the comic community, and a large part of their childhood, had died.

As is common when a creative giant passes away, fans began their mourning process by posting their favorite works of his, with a notable push being for Shadow of the Bat from his line of Batman comics.

People also began to post their favorite panels from individual works of his, some of which became memes, while many paid special exception to the entirety of Grant's comic history. This included a lot of attention being paid to Lobo, which people noted had not had any considerations for DC Extended Universe (DCEU) movies.
