(New York Post / Twitter, @starvishvo)

Khabane "Khaby" Lame recently overtook Charli D'Amelio to become the most followed account on TikTok, and while it's notable and worthy of media coverage, there was certainly a wrong way to frame this story, as proven by The New York Post's headline from yesterday.

The tweet from the Post, a publication known for its sometimes poor sensitivity in handling issues of race, set off alarm bells for naming D'Amelio but referring to Lame, a Black man who is obviously one of the most famous people on social media, as merely a "laid-off factory worker." Many took this slight as racist and dismissive of Lame's accomplishment. Soon, Twitter users began harshly criticizing the NY Post in the QRTs.

Upon further inspection, it's plausible that this was a mere oversight on the part of the Post's social team rather than an intended, malicious slight. The actual story in the New York Post names Lame in the first sentence and seems to highlight the impressiveness of Lame's rise to TikTok fame after being laid off from his factory job at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Former machine operator Khabane Lame has become the most followed star on TikTok — two years after he created an account on the social media app after losing his job during the pandemic," goes the story's lede. D'Amelio is not mentioned beyond being named as the person Lame overtook to become the most followed creator on TikTok. The rest of the story theorizes why Lame grew so popular on the app and tracked his quick rise to fame.

The Post updated the story's headline to name Lame and apologized for the oversight in a follow-up tweet.

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Comments 5 total


This country is so absolutely cucked by corporate media they look at brazen, open classism and either say it's racist or totally fine.



Yes not naming this absolute nobody is totally a racially charged attack and not just basic bussiness for tabloids like this that are trying to bait you into clicking the link because they arent making money off people looking at their tweets
Utter clownfest



I have no idea why it's racist. It's just clickbait. You have to click the article to see who this supposed laid off factory worker is.



Haven't read the article yet, but it looks like they were trying to do a rags-to-riches narrative? Everyone loves it when a successful person comes from humble origins, so emphasizing that helps pulls in the clicks.


A Concerned Rifleman

It's the NYP, it wouldn't surprise me if the author did, in fact, have racist undercurrents.
