(Twitter / @UltimaShadowX)

This morning, when many Twitter / X users read a tweet from DiscussingFilm announcing that Michael Bay had a Skibidi Toilet movie and TV franchise "in the works," their first instinct was to double check and see if it was a parody account.

It was not. A Skibidi Toilet movie and TV franchise is in the works from Michael Bay.

Twitter / Echro4

As reported by real publication Variety, former Paramount Pictures President Adam Goodman stated he and Michael Bay are "absolutely" interested in bringing the supremely bizarre YouTube series, which stars a head in a toilet, among other characters, to either the big or small screen.

“We are absolutely in talks right now, both on the television side and the earliest conversations right now on the film side,” Goodman said.

What follows is an absolutely astounding series of quotes considering they are about a "Skibidi Toilet" film and television franchise. These include:

"He's building something that could be the next 'Transformers' or could be a Marvel universe." – Goodman on "Skibidi Toilet" creator Alexey Gerasimov.

"If we find a partner in this that really believes there's opportunity for this to grow and to really see the storytelling grow and for this to be where we hope this can be, then film and TV seems like a natural extension for us."

"Michael and Jeffrey Beecroft, who's his longtime production designer and a colleague of his that's worked with him on all of his movies, have been working very closely with Alexey to really professionalize the kind of back engine of this, to make sure, if we ever decide to go film or television, that this is kind of lifted beyond just the resources that creators have on the internet."

Goodman also stated they are entertaining a "hybrid animated/live-action version of Skibidi … likened stylistically to the John Wick and District 9 movies."

This proved to be too much for the internet to handle, as it seems the average social media user's mind could not comprehend how the arguable poster meme of Gen Alpha brain rot.

Twitter / zachsilberberg

If you count yourself among those who are not excited about a Skibidi Toilet cinematic universe (the actual, cinematic kind, not the YouTube / Roblox kind), you can take solace in the fact that it sounds as though talks are in the very early stages. However, even if the project falls through, it seems a Skibidi universe is a matter of "when," not "if."

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Comments 21 total


I wished we left absurd movie concepts like this back in 2017 with that emoji movie



I am showing up to the opening wearing my best outfit and making all my friends watch it /gen


Patriotic Autocannon

My man about to make sci fi action packed brainrot again (At least the Tranformer 2007 is pretty good)



Makes perfect sense. Skibidi Toilet is just a Gen Alpha take on 1980s cartoon action with “Good Guy Group vs Bad Guy Group” where different characters have different abilities.

And Michael Bay will again run it into the ground, just like Transformers.


Sir Snakeboat

i am now convinced that i am in some kind of purgatory for some unknown, horrific transgression


Dr. Pants

You know what I never really wanted to be a creative anyway.
It's stressful and too much responsibility and inevitably ends in either disgrace or tragedy.

I don't care that shit like this now exists. This is the world we live in. We're all going to die anyway. It's not worth it to get worked up over an industry that's already been fucked for the past three decades and is openly proud of hurling itself to oblivion. Life is too short and precious to keep caring about pop culture when it is happily choosing death.



Why did Americans ever get so attached to Hollywood again?


Hugh Mann

There is no hope for humanity


blank profile pic

Question: barring the emoji movie, how many times has a nuclear cringe head idea for a movie/series based on a internet concept actually gone anywhere? Youtuber ones don't count.


Matthew Jabour

If you've actually watched the Skibidi Toilet series (the videos are like a minute long each, it's not that hard), this makes a lot of sense. There's giant robot fights, a post-apocalyptic setting, and toilet humor, all of which Michael Bay is well practiced in making. I'm surprised that he decided to sit down and watch the whole thing in the first place. Maybe his kids put it on or something.
