Move over "Hacker known as 4chan," there's a new bewilderingly out-of-touch description of a common internet forum in town.

Yesterday, reports circulated that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the shooter at Donald Trump's rally last Saturday, had posted a "final message" on a message board he frequented, a place described by some media outlets as a breeding ground for political dissent and dangerous rhetoric.

The name of this vile place? Steam.

Twitter / GenePark

According to initial reports, Crooks had posted to Steam, "July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds," a supposedly grim warning for what he'd attempt. However, after a few hours of that story circulating, CNN reported that the account that made that comment was faked to appear to look like Crooks, and Crooks himself made no such remark.

In those intervening hours, however, Fox News whipped up an article attempting to tie Valve's gaming platform and marketplace Steam to Cooks' motive for the attack. They came up with an indie game on Steam called Mr. President!, a game in which the player plays as a bodyguard jumping in front of bullets aimed at a legally distinct parody of Donald Trump named "Ronald Rump."

Fox News admits that there is no evidence Crooks has ever played Mr. President! However, that didn't stop the outlet from spending much of its article basically explaining everything about the $10 comedy game in great detail for multiple paragraphs.

It seemed obvious to readers that Fox was trying to pigeonhole Crooks into a "lone gunman" archetype who was radicalized by dark corners of the internet.

The issue with their attempt is that Steam is incredibly popular and features over 100,000 games, making it bizarre that Fox would cherry-pick one game that they themselves admit Crooks never played to write an entire article about.

Twitter / PopulismUpdates

Twitter / eliott_downing

Other games Crooks may or may not have played on the vile "Steam" platform include Doki Doki Literature Club, Untitled Goose Game and Vampire Therapist.

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Comments 17 total

big thonk

I remember one news site saying he used discord "which was popular with white supremacists for its privacy". They're just spewing anything they can at this point. Like why on earth would a white supremacist want trump dead? that'd be like a globalist trying to assassinate trudeau.
I had to check the calendar just to make sure we weren't in 2000 again with the media blaming video games for shootings.



Yeah, why would a white supremacist act like a deranged, mentally ill individual? After all they're the most well adjusted folks in society.
Also, LMAO at globalists. Like, it's a categorization that totally exists and makes sense. Definitely not a dog whistle used by individuals that might have been mentioned in this thread to use as a substitute of anything they don't like, which typically they interpret as being Jews.



They have nothing on this guy



oh my…. haha….


Jazz Wizard

Was it Bring your Jack Thompson to work day there or something?



Somewhere in a musty basement deep in the bowels of Seattle, Mike Krahulik is roused from his eldritch slumber and laughs, without truly knowing why.


Kc Coit-Wiey

"America's most truated news source" (self proclaimed) reports that the would-be assassin was on Youtube, which includes such disturbing content as: CNN


big thonk

to be fair "most trusted news source" is a low bar to set



Bro tip for anyone who wants to win the culture war with young men, DO NOT ATTACK OUR MEDIA. Seriously too many times I have witnessed the left and right get close to winning over young men by showing how "cringe" the other side is only to squander it all by attacking games in full boomer/Karen mode.


Nox Lucis

Spin doctoring this story so hard they fell down and lost bowel control, I see.



They couldn't even pick a game where you killed Trump. They killed a game where you specifically make sure that DOESN'T happen!



IIRC the final level has you travelling back in time to kill the President after he wins the elections and creates an apocalyptic dystopia. They're still fucking wrong, though, cause I bet they haven't even looked past the fucking title for the game



Wait does that actually happen in that game?

If so I might be interested



Why does he look like Scott the Woz.



"Hey all Scott here, I just tried to assassinate someone !"



Gotta love how the dumbass "vidyagaem bad" argument never really left the media, huh.



Well Fox News has to blame something that isn't gun control, otherwise their sponsors will get mad at them.
