Linus Tech Tips Narrowly Avoids Disaster After 'Hard-R' Confusion During Recent Episode Of 'The WAN Show'

During an appearance on the Wan Show podcast over the weekend with Luke Lafreniere, Linus Sebastian from the well-known YouTube channel and tech company Linus Tech Tips began to talk about older television shows he used to watch, including American Dad, which would casually use humor that in the current year wouldn't exactly fly with many.
When pressed for details, Linus brought up the casual use of "hard-R" and how it shocked him with how it was being said in the show.
This stuck out as odd primarily because "hard-R" is commonly known as meaning the N-word, which definitely would not be casually dropped in a network TV show like that even 15 or so years ago. Making matters worse, Linus then went on to say that he himself used his fair share of hard-Rs back in the day, causing alarm bells to ring in everyone's head as he appeared to freely admit to using a racial slur on a live podcast.

The entire situation, however, was completely resolved within seconds as Linus quickly received a lesson in slang and how what he originally thought "hard-R" meant (the word more commonly used in the past for mentally challenged individuals) was actually the N-word.
Laughs quickly filled the air as the staff on the podcast realized the mistake Linus made and that he wasn't actually about to get everyone in a lot of trouble for his words.
The moment, with Linus freely admitting and then learning the truth, was quickly spread around the web receiving many humorous reactions and even fellow YouTubers like Cr1tikal making a video on it to explain the near-miss that was achieved.