Lenny Kravitz Brings Giant Scarf Out Of The Closet For The First Time In Eleven Years


Published September 25, 2023

Eleven years ago, pop singer Lenny Kravitz wore a scarf. It was a very big scarf. So much so, that it became a meme for literally years after it appeared in public (it was a much simpler time in meme culture).

Over the weekend, Lenny Kravitz made his debut on TikTok, and to get some eyeballs on his new platform, he broke out the big scarf for the first time in eleven years.

For relatively ancient memers, the return of the scarf heralded the true arrival of fall. One TikTok commenter said that Kravitz' giant scarf is to fall what Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You is" to Christmas. That sentiment was shared on Twitter, where Kravitz dropped a new giant scarf pic.

Kravitz's scarf followed him throughout the 2010s, as it had a gimmick Facebook account devoted to it and photoshop memes made of it in the years after Kravitz wore it. In 2018, six years after the scarf debuted, Kravitz was asked about it Jimmy Fallon, where he explained that the scarf was a gift from a fan who knitted it for him.
