Chris-Chan, the creator of Sonichu and the centerpiece of several online and real-world drama-filled sagas, has newly leaked audio of them allegedly admitting to having sexual intercourse with their mother.

With it only being a decade ago that both were arrested for trying to hit someone with their car, Chris-Chan's relationship with their mother Barbara hasn't been the most healthy over the years. However, as known to several members of the community that keep up with Chris-Chan's drama, Barbara has reportedly been diagnosed with dementia and isn't totally aware of their faculties. This fact is touched on in multiple ways by those who were reacting to the news on Twitter as word of the leaked audio trended today.

While many people were dismayed at the news, and the legal implications that are a part of it, others took the opportunity to do what the expected response is to a lolcow creating drama — make memes about it. Common themes among such memes that were made on the topic have to do with Chris-Chan no longer being a forever alone incel, as many assumed or joked about in the past.

Other memes and online discussion surrounding the subject was split between people being flabbergasted that the news broke into the #1 trending spot on Twitter and people who are eagerly awaiting what the Twitter person who handles the social media trending descriptions would write about this problematic situation.

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Comments 22 total

Alex Reynard

Allright, allright, we all know CWC is weird enough to do this, but I have to ask: where is this audio, and what exactly was said?

It's the internet, after all. For all I know they might've livestreamed and said, "I totally fucked my mom last night at cribbage." For the sake of not vomiting, I HOPE that's all they said…



lmao you wish, chrischan goes in explicit detail what she does to her mom


Alex Reynard

Yes, but where? When? Everyone's saying this but there's no source.


dug dig

So you haven't checked this video?



I know Chris-chan will most certainly trend again when his mother joins his father and kicks the bucket. It's not something to look forward to but it is an inevitability.

But never, never did I thought that this would ever happen, even as an allegation. Some people joked about it way back in the day, but that was years ago and was just jokes.


dug dig

I remember Chris mentioned something about having sexual dreams of himself and his mother. I never thought this would come to reality.



News so shocking even Joshua Moon doubted it at first.



Wait, is Chris using they/them pronouns now? Someone should rewrite the main page again.


dug dig

Isn't he trans now?


winton overwat

Yeah she came out as trans a few years ago but a lot of people speculate it was just part of a plan to get laid


dug dig

this plan might be true: imagine him being in the women prison, so he get to be laid again


Square Memester

This is so wrong in so many levels.

What's next? Andrew Donson inflating his own mother?



Oh fuck Chris Chan is a modern day Oedipus



…Someone ought to look into what happened to Bob.
