Kazuma Kiryu Stomps On 'Hollow Knight' Fans Hopes As 'Yakuza Kiwami' Takes Headlining Slot Over 'Silksong' At Today's Nintendo Direct


Published August 27, 2024

You're never going to believe this, but Hollow Knight: Silksong did not appear in today's Nintendo Direct presentation, despite the stream focusing on both indie games and non-Nintendo games coming to the Switch — and all that's despite Silksong trending on Twitter / X for days after the presentation was announced.

Of course, this is not an unprecedented situation, as Silksong has a habit of never appearing in these things and thus causing the fandom great distress.

What's noteworthy about this particular Direct disappointment is who took the marquee spot that would, in a different world, have gone to Silksong: Kazuma Kiryu.

The "one last thing" announcement of today's Direct was a port of Yakuza Kiwami coming to the Switch, and while that's certainly a title worthy of headlining a Direct, it struck many as humorous that Silksong fans were essentially Rickrolled by Kazuma Kiryu.

Silksong has been in "imminent announcement" mode for at least two years now, as in 2022, Xbox assured the public that the game would be out by June 2023 (a deadline that was obviously missed), and in April this year, the title became available to Wishlist for Xbox users.

All of this circumstantial evidence has made every video game presentation a realistic chance of being "the one that reveals Silksong's release date," leading to despair over and over again.

While memers had a good time yukking it up about Kiryu's perceived trolling of Silksong believers, the other major headline from the Direct was the release of Pizza Tower on the Switch.
