Kanye West Unironically Declares Hitler 'Had Good Qualities' And That He 'Likes Him' On Viral Episode Of InfoWars


Published December 01, 2022

According to many on Twitter, Kanye West has now officially jumped the shark, pushing his character past the point of no return and effectively killing his clout as backlash floods social media today.

This comes after Kanye West, who recently walked off the set of Tim Pool's podcast, found his way onto InfoWars with Alex Jones. Immediately, the topic of discussion shifted to the usual things, such as pedophilia and secret elites, but Kanye was seemingly determined to keep his recent branding on point, becoming increasingly anti-Semitic as the episode went on.

This, of course, had an intense and visceral reaction online as people began to immediately swear off Kanye for the third major time this year, many of whom started to bash him for his viewpoints through countless memes, tweets and other reactions around the web.

A noted expression used by many was that Kanye was now "undefendable," with no wiggle room at all for context or seeing it from his point of view, as he outwardly stated that he "likes Hitler" and several other controversial takes.

The episode, which was hosted on Banned.Video, has since gone viral with immediate repercussions for the rapper already happening, including his Parler deal being terminated.
