Rambling Kanye West tweetstorms are nothing new and are usually the impetus for an amusing, distracting day on Twitter, but his most recent has left people concerned for his mental health.

Late last evening, West went on a disturbing tweetstorm where he fired off multiple tweets a minute. In the tweets, he alleged his wife Kim Kardashian attempted to have him "locked up." He appeared to take shots at Kris Jenner, tweeting, “Kriss don’t play with me you and that calmye are not allowed around me children. Y’all tried to lock me up.” He ended his tweets with "I'm at the ranch… come and get me," referring to his ranch in Wyoming. He also said the movie Get Out was about him.



While some users shared jokes and memes about the tweetstorm, as usual, West's tweets had a significant amount of fans worried about the rapper. West is known to have bi-polar disorder but is vocally resistant to medication. One Twitter user saw similarities between Kanye's situation and Etika, the streamer who took his life after months of what appeared to be a manic episode.

Pop star Halsey, who herself has been vocal about her struggles with bipolar disorder, shared tweets encouraging people to be silent if they had nothing encouraging to say.

West has publically had bouts with mental health in the past. In 2016, he canceled several dates on his Saint Pablo tour due to what dispatchers called a psychiatric emergency.

This afternoon, West tweeted a video on his ranch with Dave Chappelle, who evidently flew to West's ranch to check on him.

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Aaron Hong

and it took how long for people to realise Trump was off his meds?



Can't say I'm all that sympathetic.


LittleChiveOfFuckery Cebolinhadaputalia

"this is the Exodus like Pusha said"
Pusha T is in the Bible?
