(Twitter / @Juniper)

Jordan Peterson has been reduced to tears again, this time upon hearing that Don't Worry Darling director Olivia Wilde based the film's villain, played by Chris Pine, off him. Wilde described Peterson as "this pseudo-intellectual hero to the incel community."

In a recent interview with Piers Morgan, Morgan asked for Peterson's thoughts on Wilde's comments. Peterson then welled up as he described the plight of the community Wilde spoke of.

“Sure. Why not? You know, people have been after me for a long time because I’ve been speaking to disaffected young men. It’s very difficult to understand how demoralized people are, and certainly many young men are in that category. You get these casual insults, these incels — what do they mean? These men, they don’t know how to make themselves attractive to women who are very picky, and good for them. Women, like, be picky. That’s your gift, man. Demand high standards from your men. Fair enough. But all these men who are alienated, it’s like they’re lonesome and they don’t know what to do and everyone piles abuse on them.”

It's a bizarre moment of television, as Peterson can't seem to fight back tears when describing who some might call "incels" but he would call "disaffected young men." The interview gets back on track afterward and Peterson quips about being interested in Don't Worry Darling after hearing its director insulted him.

Peterson has become well-known online for openly weeping as he discusses some of his ideas. His Morgan interview appears to only have added to the internet's running gag of the psychologist perceivably crying over nothing, and Peterson's name trended on Twitter as people fired off jokes about his seemingly sensitive waterworks trigger.

As the jokes piled on, some conservatives rose to his defense. In fact, Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh, just days after bemoaning the degradation of American history because Lizzo played James Madison's flute, joined in on this round of discourse with strong hot takes that Peterson is simply a guy trying to offer young men guidance.

This led to questions about who Jordan Peterson had actually helped with his ideology, and several commenters struggled to think of how Peterson genuinely helps people.

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Comments 19 total


Maybe it's just me but this whole thing seems incredibly meanspirited. Did he commit some atrocious evil besides trying to help men I am not aware of? Or was that in itself the horrible evil he committed that means he has to be mocked online for everything?



Helping incels to learn how to respect and care for themselves and women is a noble goal, and I'd applaud it.

What Jordan Peterson is doing is telling incels to respect themselves but look down on women. He is making the problem worse. So when he comes off all virtuous and humble about it, yeah, he's gonna pull some mockery for that.



I miss Wilde when she was House’s Olivia Wilde. Her getting into movie roles, and now making them, has clearly gone to her head. She’s talented. But this new movie and all the weird personal stuff with her ex husband and then dating Harry Styles, it just doesn’t sit right.

This all because Di$ney gave the axe to Tron 3 in 2015! If they had just stuck to that game plan things would have played out better. Think of the timeline of events that would have occurred if we got the Legacy sequel we deserved.


Concerned Troll

…honestly, this is starting to feel like elder abuse.



While I haven't been very impressed with the kinds of troubles Peterson has been getting into as of late I feel like I can hardly blame the man for going through this "punished Peterson" phase considering he's probably the most ad hom'd and blatantly misrepresented person in history. Clickbait titled articles like this being part of the problem.



The headline to this article is misleading to the point of practically being fabricated. The dude didn't cry after being insulted. He cried while answering how he felt about the whole thing because he felt like the media was shitting on a disenfranchised group.

This is like the equivalent of telling a abortion advocate that she cried after being insulted when the reality was she was crying for the girls who got raped and couldn't get an abortion. One phrasing is clearly a narrative while the other makes the advocate sympathetic.



I don't exactly agree with any of this dudes ideas either. He's clearly a dude who has some pretty ass opinions. But actually report what happened instead of making headlines that are "technically true".


Farm Zombie

Jordan Peterson has seemed off lately and some of his recent videos have been concerning, but this meme is just mean spirited. "He's showing emotion towards a group of people he's trying to help! Everybody point and laugh!"



Coddling incels in their delusions is not helping them.


Matthew Jabour

His recent turn into raving lunacy has made it hard for me to determine how I feel about him now getting bullied in this manner.

Is it safe to say that all sides in this whole debacle suck? I'm gonna just say all the sides suck and move on.



he's a profoundly broken man by both circumstance and his own failings; can't say I don't pity him to some degree.


| || || |_

Is the point just to make fun of men crying, or is the point some kind of gotcha? If it's the former, then you're just an asshole, if it's the latter, it means you have no idea what Jordan Peterson's actual positions are and are just throwing him in with the "manosphere" due to audience overlap.

Like shit, Peterson's no saint but I'd far rather have people watching him than people like Andrew Tate.



They're both equally bad in different ways. Peterson for a very long time maintained a facade of being reasonable, rational, and authoritative; something a lot of young people really need in their life. Hell, I was drawn in by him when I was 22, 23, and in a deep fog of depression and self-doubt.

A lot of his early stuff was very good, general use advice and helped me recontextualize some of the problems I'd been having, and helped me see a way forward after what I perceived as the massive failure of having to drop out of college for financial reasons.

And then, at least this is when I started noticing it, in 2017 he started to become more unhinged and radical. I remember watching his videos off and on, and in the middle of one that had caught my eye he just starts…ranting about women. The topic was, I believe, the need for men to be self-motivated, providers, emotionally in tune with their actual needs, and to move forward with plans rationally, taking things one day at a time.

All reasonable stuff.

Until the next line is something along the lines of "because women are incapable of making decisions that way, they're too emotional". That was the last video I watched from the guy.

That's also why I think it's fine for people to dunk on him for breaking down in tears constantly. Who's too emotional now?



[Post was slightly too long for one comment.]

I actually think this makes Peterson even worse than Tate. Because intentionally or not, that early period of being reasonable and kind has drawn in a crowd of true believers who defend him to the death and will evangelize those teachings to others.

Tate is at least open about who he is and what he believes. Peterson pretends at some kind of intellectual enlightenment and reason he doesn't uphold.



Peterson is much better than Tate. When I was in the army they actually showed us some of his videos as part of our annual suicide prevention class and it was quite insightful about why suicide happens and how to spot the symptoms and deal with suicidal ideation. Psychology is clearly (and credentialy) his wheelhouse and I recommend him as such. His philosophy stuff is up to your own opinion but writing him off entirely is just political bias.


Ergonomic Chair

"Why don't men cry?"
