John Boyega Emerges As Unapologetically Outspoken Voice At London's Protests
Star Wars actor John Boyega, well-known on the internet for sharing anti-racist sentiments on social media, has emerged as an outspoken protestor at the London Black Lives Matter protests which emerged following American protests of the death of George Floyd.
Boyega joined protests in Hyde Park yesterday, delivering an emotional speech to protestors. "Black lives have always mattered," he said. "We have always been important. We have always meant something. Now is the time. I ain't waiting." At one point, he said to the crowd, "I may not have a career after this, but f*** that!"
Boyega's comments were widely celebrated on social media, and it appears he need not fear for his career for the time being. The Star Wars Twitter account voiced its suppost for Boyega and linked to his speech, and several other creatives took to social media to voice their support for Boyega's speech.
We stand with and support you, @JohnBoyega. View his full speech:
— Star Wars (@starwars) June 3, 2020
We got you, John.
— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) June 3, 2020
I would work with John Boyega and I urge other Non-Black creators to affirm that they have his back as well.
— Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) June 3, 2020
Happy to work with you any time, John 👏👏👏
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) June 3, 2020
Oh god I WISH, Ojalá! From Attack The Block to this day!
— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) June 3, 2020
Boyega's speech came as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson finally addressed the protests that have spread from America to countries around the world. "I also support, as I've said, the right to protest," said Johnson. "The only point I would make to the House is that protests should be carried out lawfully and in this country protests should be carried out in accordance with our rules on social distancing."
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Wretched Hive Of Scum and Memery
This dude has come out as an unapologetic racist. He won't lose his job. He'll be praised to the heavens and will have his hate-filled racist lies spread by hollywood as much as they can.
Also, I just noticed, he has "Torries Out, Corbyn In." As in notable, unapologetic Anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn.
Unsurprised to see he's a piece of shit on more than one level.
The dude clearly just picks the popular opinion of the media and drives it up to 11. "Lose my job" my ass. Supporting the protests is the most mainstream opinion possible. The only thing that might be controversial is his double-standard on racism, which ultimately hurts his cause. Even then, the media will defend it because they have done it before. This man has zero risks of being fired.
When the booty is too good
If supporting protests is so popular then why is it that the Hong Kong protests were silenced nearly after maybe two weeks of trending? Meanwhile something BLM related happens and now we probably won't stop hearing about this specific outrage for a few months. As long as Hollywood can find a way to profit from something it's not going to be an issue for this dude's career. Besides, if he loses his career for speaking out with BLM, then it would just be another tick in the box as proof that "racism wins".
Anime tiddes
John Boyega who is a millionaire will not loose his career for protesting. Especially because big corporations like Disney are advocating for the protests.