Joe Exotic Ordered A Giant Limo Expecting A Presidential Pardon That Never Came


Published 3 years ago

In a blast from quarantine past, Joe Exotic was in the news yesterday for eagerly awaiting a Presidential pardon from Donald Trump that never came.

Trump spent his last day in office issuing over 100 pardons to a wide variety of allies and friends, with the list ranging from the likes of Rod Blagojevich to Lil Wayne, but that massive list did not include the Tiger King. Exotic, real name Joe Maldonado-Passage, was sentenced in January of 2020 to 22 years in prison for violating federal wildlife laws and participating in a muder-for-hire plot on his rival, Carole Baskin. He filed a pardon application last September, arguing he was "railroaded and betrayed" by others.

While it's not particularly noteworthy that Trump declined to pardon Exotic, it is amusing how sure Joe was that he'd get out of prison yesterday. Yesterday outside of his Texas prison sat a massive limousine that would have driven the celebratory Exotic on his way out of jail to get McRibs.

After the day passed with no pardon for Exotic, his lawyers said, "140 million Joe Exotic fans had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. We are as disappointed that the President did not sign Joe’s pardon as we were confident yesterday that he would."

While it's impossible to prove if 140 million Joe Exotic fans struggled to face today knowing the man convicted of trying to kill someone is still in prison, it's easier to prove that Twitter was riveted—or at least amused—by the story.

Better luck next time, Joe. Maybe Biden was a Tiger King fan.
